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I accept suggestions

Mr. Smile

New member
Jun 26, 2022
Hi everyone. First of all, I apologize if this post is too long, but I need help. I ended up in this forum because of It was something I discover back in 2018. Honestley, I always suspected, intuitively, that something with me was wrong. Now, I understand looks is something that can be explained objectivle, at least partially. This is my first post. I'm very insecure and always hate myself because of my shit genes. I have positive things, but I think the negative things outweight them. From my observations, digital infrastructure contributed for the blackpill. What I mean is, nowdays, world is more visual than ever before, so looks became extremely important. For that reason, I decided to write to you guys, if there someone willing to help me or give some advice about what should be my steps to ascend hard. Just the face. For better comprehension, I´m going to attach some visual help here. I visited dozens of dentists. Most of them are too blue pill so they saw me like if I was crazy and didn´t help me at all. What I know, is that I have shitty bone structure:

non existing jawline. Not well projected cheekbones.
crooked teeth
narrow palate
one eye and cheekbone heigher than the other (I think thats called eye dystopia or something)
Im now 22 years old. Had braces between 13-15 y.o . Results weren´t great. Didn´t have extraction

Not hunter at all.
Dark circles under eyes due to veins
big, round, protruded brown eyes

curly, ginger, closer to auburn. Probably, my only good trait.
the possibility to get bald is still there because of my subhuman father.

thin, easy to get wrinkles and moles
red bulbous nose due to rosacea.
Maybe I don´t have the perfect color/texture and density, but people always think I´m younger than I am. Don´t know why.

full, but assymetrical.

subhuman. There are not full. Not dark enough. Unideal shape. Too high.

So, I would be really greateful if you could give me some advices on surgery or something. Which ones should be? Something crazy like cutting bones and change their position? Should I wait for 3D printed implants? What about eye area? Eyebrows? Do I need a canthoplasty? Nose job? How can I achive peak harmony? I´m willing to grind hard and moneymaxx in order to ascend, but I don´t know what are the steps I should follow, what surgeries are for me and which ones don´t

Thank you for your time guys.
im so sorry man none of this is your fault whatsoever
its just our genetic destinies as incels
send me an imgur with your face and i can help you out my n***a
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  • #3
im so sorry man none of this is your fault whatsoever
its just our genetic destinies as incels
send me an imgur with your face and i can help you out my n***a
im so sorry man none of this is your fault whatsoever
its just our genetic destinies as incels
send me an imgur with your face and i can help you out my n***a
Thank you very much my good pal. Here is a photo.
you can greatly improve yourself, testosterone increase, eyebrow and beard minoxidil, chewing / mewing, bonesmashing in the cheekbones chin arches, do your eye exercises to make them lower, subscribe to my aurachad account on insta I'll give you tips advice to really improve you
