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I am AstroSky

Uhh and where can i learn what he did?😭
he posted some things on the forum. He have workout recomentdations in one of my threads. But i believe he may answer you if you ask him
he posted some things on the forum. He have workout recomentdations in one of my threads. But i believe he may answer you if you ask him
🤞hoping he reads this post
Needa know what to use to go from f*g to chad
Testosterone injection. Sarms replicate the muscular and bone effect but dont give others sexual dimorphism characteristics. He did THT (testosterone hormone terapy)
Testosterone injection. Sarms replicate the muscular and bone effect but dont give others sexual dimorphism characteristics. He did THT (testosterone hormone terapy)
Is there a safe alt to test that a teen can yse to boost lh or sum?
Is there a safe alt to test that a teen can yse to boost lh or sum?
If I had your age and had the means, I would:

1- inject dht gel in EXCLUSIVELY in the penis to increase its size.

2- aromatize + HGH in the form of MK something. It as show to increase final height of adolescents/kids by 4 or 5 cm.

3- in thesis, the aromatize would increase your dismorphism because it negates the estrogen that would fight your natural testosterone. Thus, it would increase the effect of your testosterone without taking anything extra to produce more.
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  • #66
If I had your age and had the means, I would:

1- inject dht gel in EXCLUSIVELY in the penis to increase its size.

2- aromatize + HGH in the form of MK something. It as show to increase final height of adolescents/kids by 4 or 5 cm.

3- in thesis, the aromatize would increase your dismorphism because it negates the estrogen that would fight your natural testosterone. Thus, it would increase the effect of your testosterone without taking anything extra to produce more.
He doesn't need to inject dht. He can buy dht raws. Grab some dmso and mix it together. I can give approximate recipe for this. It will absorb all the dht through the localized skin applications. Also if he applies it on his ball. It will go straight into the body systemically raising his dht very high.

Dmso will absorb this very fast however ideally he can just grab testosterone no ester ( tne) and do the same and the conversion to dht will almost double if he applies it to his balls.

If someone needs the source for the raws I can help you. As for dmso. It's very readily available online legally. However you should get the purest you cna find as the lower impurities ones smell awful and garlic like
He doesn't need to inject dht. He can buy dht raws. Grab some dmso and mix it together. I can give approximate recipe for this. It will absorb all the dht through the localized skin applications. Also if he applies it on his ball. It will go straight into the body systemically raising his dht very high.

Dmso will absorb this very fast however ideally he can just grab testosterone no ester ( tne) and do the same and the conversion to dht will almost double if he applies it to his balls.

If someone needs the source for the raws I can help you. As for dmso. It's very readily available online legally. However you should get the purest you cna find as the lower impurities ones smell awful and garlic like
Yes, send the raw source and the recipe
He doesn't need to inject dht. He can buy dht raws. Grab some dmso and mix it together. I can give approximate recipe for this. It will absorb all the dht through the localized skin applications. Also if he applies it on his ball. It will go straight into the body systemically raising his dht very high.

Dmso will absorb this very fast however ideally he can just grab testosterone no ester ( tne) and do the same and the conversion to dht will almost double if he applies it to his balls.

If someone needs the source for the raws I can help you. As for dmso. It's very readily available online legally. However you should get the purest you cna find as the lower impurities ones smell awful and garlic like
Be careful, however, if you put dht on your balls, it will increase it too. And huge balls aren't what we are trying to do
I'd consider HGH and aromatase inhibitors, but I have no clue where I would get them, and how to go about it in a safe manner. If anyone knows reputable sources or ways to purchase these, feel free to let me know.
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  • #72
I'd consider HGH and aromatase inhibitors, but I have no clue where I would get them, and how to go about it in a safe manner. If anyone knows reputable sources or ways to purchase these, feel free to let me know.
I'd consider HGH and aromatase inhibitors, but I have no clue where I would get them, and how to go about it in a safe manner. If anyone knows reputable sources or ways to purchase these, feel free to let me know.
I have thought about it, and if it is a possibility, I would heavily research and consider hopping on.
