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I am egotheistic ask me anything

no cuz I was think of Leo women 😩 forgot u were a king 🙏🏻🙏🏻 what’s ur moon sign? Ur moon sign likely the sign you most think of yourself as, since it reflects your personality when you're alone or deeply comfortable.
A Pisces moon man is a person with a Pisces moon sign who is said to be intuitive, empathetic, and creative. He may also be a romantic dreamer who values deep connections and emotional intelligence.
Intuitive: He can sense what others are thinking by reading their body language and facial expressions
Empathetic: He is naturally inclined to understand and empathize with others
Creative: He may express himself through art, music, or literature
Romantic: He may long for a partner who shares his dreams and can explore his imagination
Nonjudgmental: He may be a great person to talk to about anything
Caring: He may be someone others can rely on for a sympathetic ear or encouraging words
A Pisces moon man is a person with a Pisces moon sign who is said to be intuitive, empathetic, and creative. He may also be a romantic dreamer who values deep connections and emotional intelligence.
Intuitive: He can sense what others are thinking by reading their body language and facial expressions
Empathetic: He is naturally inclined to understand and empathize with others
Creative: He may express himself through art, music, or literature
Romantic: He may long for a partner who shares his dreams and can explore his imagination
Nonjudgmental: He may be a great person to talk to about anything
Caring: He may be someone others can rely on for a sympathetic ear or encouraging words
I was born March 11th and I’d say I relate to all those traits. Maybe the zodiac stuff has something to it after all I guess.
A Pisces moon man is a person with a Pisces moon sign who is said to be intuitive, empathetic, and creative. He may also be a romantic dreamer who values deep connections and emotional intelligence.
Intuitive: He can sense what others are thinking by reading their body language and facial expressions
Empathetic: He is naturally inclined to understand and empathize with others
Creative: He may express himself through art, music, or literature
Romantic: He may long for a partner who shares his dreams and can explore his imagination
Nonjudgmental: He may be a great person to talk to about anything
Caring: He may be someone others can rely on for a sympathetic ear or encouraging words
Slayyy u r creative 😍 expressing urself through mlp
Since when was Kaari a psychoanalyst? Mind docta

Also its okay to have small wrists
I realize this, because if you masturbate as a male, that has homosexual implications, because you have a male's hand giving you manual pleasure
So small wrists and hands are less gay, ik you masturbate

as for the questions:
You mentioned that you were checking other student's study habits to determine that they worked harder than you yet you still surpassed them, boosting your ego. Do you think this urge to check in order to fulfill this uplift in ego has to do with insecurities regarding self-worth?
Were you valued or another influence caused you to find value via academic standards and intelligence as a child, and this was thus internalized? bravado mechanism, intellectual arrogance, projection of desires?
Do you feel that you compensate for your social isolation with ego development?
Why do you think you self-sabotage?
What are other coping or defense mechanisms you use that members on this forum have not identified?
Do you have any specific memories that haunt you? Maybe pertaining to family members or peers or adults in your life?
When did you feel most lonely in your life?
You seem to have a genuine desire for deep connection, posting many threads about intimate fantasies regarding women, filling a certain hole in your life, what caused this hole and the specific niche of women you desire?
Do you believe you will ever be happy, or if not happy, at least satisfied with life? Or are you already?
What's your biggest fear? Recurring nightmares, themes?
What do you hope for the future?
How do you react to genuine praise and criticism?
Do you seek challenge or avoid?
How would you say you respond to the success of others?
Maybe your apathy is a form of self-preservation; avoid wasting energy on things that "don't matter" or may hurt you, like social interactions.
You also said you feel no motivation to do an event unless it brings you pleasure, which sort of ties to your NEET lifestyle, do you think that this prioritization of pleasure seeking/self-gratification may be a way to cope and find meaning in life?

These questions are purposely loaded and make assumptions, if these assumptions are incorrect, contest them, and if they are true, then elaborate.
Since when was Kaari a psychoanalyst? Mind docta

Also its okay to have small wrists
I realize this, because if you masturbate as a male, that has homosexual implications, because you have a male's hand giving you manual pleasure
So small wrists and hands are less gay, ik you masturbate

as for the questions:
You mentioned that you were checking other student's study habits to determine that they worked harder than you yet you still surpassed them, boosting your ego. Do you think this urge to check in order to fulfill this uplift in ego has to do with insecurities regarding self-worth?
Were you valued or another influence caused you to find value via academic standards and intelligence as a child, and this was thus internalized? bravado mechanism, intellectual arrogance, projection of desires?
Do you feel that you compensate for your social isolation with ego development?
Why do you think you self-sabotage?
What are other coping or defense mechanisms you use that members on this forum have not identified?
Do you have any specific memories that haunt you? Maybe pertaining to family members or peers or adults in your life?
When did you feel most lonely in your life?
You seem to have a genuine desire for deep connection, posting many threads about intimate fantasies regarding women, filling a certain hole in your life, what caused this hole and the specific niche of women you desire?
Do you believe you will ever be happy, or if not happy, at least satisfied with life? Or are you already?
What's your biggest fear? Recurring nightmares, themes?
What do you hope for the future?
How do you react to genuine praise and criticism?
Do you seek challenge or avoid?
How would you say you respond to the success of others?
Maybe your apathy is a form of self-preservation; avoid wasting energy on things that "don't matter" or may hurt you, like social interactions.
You also said you feel no motivation to do an event unless it brings you pleasure, which sort of ties to your NEET lifestyle, do you think that this prioritization of pleasure seeking/self-gratification may be a way to cope and find meaning in life?

These questions are purposely loaded and make assumptions, if these assumptions are incorrect, contest them, and if they are true, then elaborate.
I just know my shit innit (and dealing with a lot of demented people stopping them from doing messed up shit)

also since when were you also a psycho-analysist, mirin'
I just know my shit innit (and dealing with a lot of demented people stopping them from doing messed up shit)
damn, musta had some hella experience
also since when were you also a psycho-analysist, mirin'
my brain is fried, overheated from trying to generate too many questions
some feel shoddy
i am not typically like this
damn, musta had some hella experience

my brain is fried, overheated from trying to generate too many questions
some feel shoddy
i am not typically like this
I've had my fair share of case studies, let me tell you lol.

No problem by the way, I also have unhealthy levels of morbid fascination so I never get tired of asking questions personally lmao. Method to the madness I suppose.