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I cant bite my back molars together when mewing...


New member
Jul 6, 2022
why cant i bite my back molars together when mewing? is it because i have an overbite? pls help
Back molars meaning wisdom teeth? If so, I wouldn’t be too worried about it. If your first and/or second molars don’t touch when you mew but do touch when you’re not, also wouldn’t worry about it. If they don’t touch no matter what you do, you probably have at least one tilted molar. Not a huge deal, something like Invisalign can help you out and if your molars really don’t touch it’s considered a bite issue. If this is the case, you likely have functional issues… you just didn’t notice it was potentially because of tilted teeth. Either way, there’s a very good chance insurance will cover braces if you legitimately have bite problems.
Back molars meaning wisdom teeth? If so, I wouldn’t be too worried about it. If your first and/or second molars don’t touch when you mew but do touch when you’re not, also wouldn’t worry about it. If they don’t touch no matter what you do, you probably have at least one tilted molar. Not a huge deal, something like Invisalign can help you out and if your molars really don’t touch it’s considered a bite issue. If this is the case, you likely have functional issues… you just didn’t notice it was potentially because of tilted teeth. Either way, there’s a very good chance insurance will cover braces if you legitimately have bite problems.
thx so much
Alternatively you could see an a dentist who is specialized in orthotropic dentistry. These people typically studied Dr Mews work. They do have clinics across the USA if your based there. You can get a free assessment from them. My dentist shaved some of my teeth to fix my bite. It came from mouth breathing which was corrected through that same dentist. I used a applicator mouth guard for a few years and I wear one to sleep as well. It pretty much makes you mew while it’s in. Very nice for sleeping. I had an apnea problem as well and this fixed it in about a years time. My problems didn’t develop until my early 20s after getting in a fist fight with some retards (broken nose)