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Experience i had a 4 hours math exam today


Ϫ The One Lord of the Order of Nihil Ϫ
Established Member
Sep 22, 2023
Ancient Carthage
Order of Nihil
very brutal
calculus , statistics , differential equations , arithmetic's and probability
school is cuckery

irl adults just use ChatGPT or ask mathematicians for help Or just do math at their own pace
i remember when at school they told me calculators are not allowed

tomfoolery and cuckery

noone IRL does this shit
I hate long math exams
I don’t think I’ve had 4 hour one before though
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Gaurantee the shit is useless cuckery 100%.

For example in one of my Stem classes I got an A+ in highschool. But nowadays i know pretty much nothing about the subject, i learned nothing despite getting an A+ at highschool
american system is quite easy tho
at least compared to European systems
Gaurantee the shit is useless cuckery 100%.

For example in one of my Stem classes I got an A+ in highschool. But nowadays i know pretty much nothing about the subject, i learned nothing despite getting an A+ at highschool
Yea grades usually don’t mean anything
american system is quite easy tho
at least compared to European systems
Definitely. Although over 70% of my graduation class isn’t graduating
That’s just their fault though
I’ll probably have to take one next year for precalc
american system is quite easy tho
at least compared to European systems
nah americans are worse at math than europeans cause they have a shitty teaching style. so to compensate the math they teach is less advanced
All I can do is count my weights on a bar. Math is hope ( unless you program like I tried to then it's actually useful)
american system is quite easy tho
at least compared to European systems
In india u have to complete suicidal tier study just to betabuxx fat poojeeta for life
All I can do is count my weights on a bar. Math is hope ( unless you program like I tried to then it's actually useful)
What was your experience with math like, before you transitioned from boy to man?
In india u have to complete suicidal tier study just to betabuxx fat poojeeta for life
i see a lot of math tutorials on youtube, narrated by them, i can't understand what they are saying because of the accent. they seem to post the most of the stem tutorials on youtube tbh
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i see a lot of math tutorials on youtube, narrated by them, i can't understand what they are saying because of the accent. they seem to post the most of the stem tutorials on youtube tbh
Sooo yu can starttt bi solbing this Integral saàr