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I have gained 2mm of palatal expansion by mewing


Jul 5, 2019
Europe :)
So, last time I checked my intermolar width it was 38mm [that was 6 months ago, I started mewing 1 year, 2 months ago or so].

I checked it again yesterday and it is 40mm, so that is 2mm of expansion (my tongue is on the roof 24/7 now + I have been slacking on chintucking a lot which means I could have gotten 1 more milimeter or even 2].

If you are wondering how I check my intermolar width, here you go: with a fucking banana peel, what I do is; I bite the peel and then check the width with a ruler. :f:

Things I noticed regarding my face and other things: I have hollowish cheeks now under semi-good lightning, I can breathe easily though the nose now all the time without the tongue getting in my airway (which was the case when I started out).
So, last time I checked my intermolar width it was 38mm [that was 6 months ago, I started mewing 1 year, 2 months ago or so].

I checked it again yesterday and it is 40mm, so that is 2mm of expansion (my tongue is on the roof 24/7 now + I have been slacking on chintucking a lot which means I could have gotten 1 more milimeter or even 2].

If you are wondering how I check my intermolar width, here you go: with a fucking banana peel, what I do is; I bite the peel and then check the width with a ruler. :f:

Things I noticed regarding my face and other things: I have hollowish cheeks now under semi-good lightning, I can breathe easily though the nose now all the time without the tongue getting in my airway (which was the case when I started out).
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