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I think, JBW is somewhat true

JBW is undeniably true.

But whites and ethnics don't understand that it's not super effective. You have to work harder as an ethnic than a white.

Also, why tf do you even watch this for? There's much better stuff out there on YT to cope with.
JBW is undeniably true.

But whites and ethnics don't understand that it's not super effective. You have to work harder as an ethnic than a white.

Also, why tf do you even watch this for? There's much better stuff out there on YT to cope with.
I'm new to this
“I looked ugly” shut the fuck up bitch you will look ugly soon don’t worry

some white women age really well but most don’t
JBW is not only somewhat true it’s literally the core principle of the blackpill. Now let’s see what you can get away with if you are white with light eyes: low IPD / bad midface ratio (light eyes are super life savers for low IPD), low dimorphism, non existent jaw, bad nose, so many things it’s unreal

Low IPD with black eyes? Looks like a rat
Low IPD with blue eyes? Dreamy, youthful, intelligent, good looking
  • JFL
Reactions: Rei
JBW is not only somewhat true it’s literally the core principle of the blackpill. Now let’s see what you can get away with if you are white with light eyes: low IPD / bad midface ratio (light eyes are super life savers for low IPD), low dimorphism, non existent jaw, bad nose, so many things it’s unreal
So the only looksmax that would save me are contacts?
So the only looksmax that would save me are contacts?
No because you’re 5’7

White people with light eyes can’t get away with shit hair and being short unless they want to femboy/ feminine max themselves

you might as well send me your pic, I know you don’t know me well but I’m rock solid when it comes to privacy and I believe I have a good eye for aesthetics
I can’t wait for STROMA, the white passing/ med/ South east Europeans can upgrade themselves hard. Indians and Asians getting stroma will look fake
you might as well send me your pic, I know you don’t know me well but I’m rock solid when it comes to privacy and I believe I have a good eye for aesthetics
Maybe some other day when I feel better, man.
I have Phenibut but I don't want to fry my receptors over nothing.
Massive cope
Phenibut is 10x shitter than Xanax and this “frying receptor” is a meme if you don’t get addicted
I would rather do Testosterone, man.
No point until you’re positive body halo will ascend you
Being a roided up incel with a great body and no tinder matches will be even worse than it is now
No point until you’re positive body halo will ascend you
Being a roided up incel with a great body and no tinder matches will be even worse than it is now
I do not care about that, man. I just want to inject.
