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I want to achieve such levels without makeup...pls tell me if it is possible? How close am i to it right now?

You look fine, at your age I think it's honestly autism, you notice every little flaw in your face instead of paying attention to your good features. You look good and you rot there for the whole day writing these posts, n***a what
You look fine, at your age I think it's honestly autism, you notice every little flaw in your face instead of paying attention to your good features. You look good and you rot there for the whole day writing these posts, n***a what
Wanting to ascend≠autism
You look okay at this point even if you would ascend you wouldn't probably be happy with your appearance
Like I go more for the turkish actress look or if we mean Hollywood maybe madelyn cline or alexa demie?
Tbh the turkish actresses are still very beautiful on motion since they take them from beauty pageants not acting schools
yeah i noticed the same about korean actors/actresses, they’re way better looking than the singers i’m not into turkish movies tho lol