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Discussion I want to start looksmaxxing, anyone got a general routine to get started?


New member
Apr 13, 2024
Any basic routine would be great, I already workout, do skin care and eat well, but I'm not sure how to manage it, which order I should do it in, and I feel like I'm missing other steps and methods to take to looksmaxx faster or better. And I need a better split, other than push, pull,legs that's more looksmaxxing related.
Chewing gum, shower everyday, don't touch your face with your hands(only if they're clean), work out sometimes in your freetime, and mew if you want to(but do it correctly)
Chewing gum, shower everyday, don't touch your face with your hands(only if they're clean), work out sometimes in your freetime, and mew if you want to(but do it correc
when u are in the shower ur skin gets wrinkly and apparently this causes wrinkles irl.

its a paradox because if u dont shower enough u will smell like ass and i dislike the smell of ass

some ways to mitigate this paradox are to avoid sunlight, and to always use moisturizer after every shower.

this creates the sunlight paradox, if u dont get enough sunlight u will get depressed and low vitamin d.

but moisturizers are made for normies and probably have harmful chemicals in them, creating the chemical paradox.
skincare in the morning and at night, idk if you are new to working out, but you can start out small with 2x a week. idk what other problems you have, using my imagination 🤔
shower everyday yeah
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  • #5
skincare in the morning and at night, idk if you are new to working out, but you can start out small with 2x a week. idk what other problems you have, using my imagination 🤔
shower everyday yeah
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  • #6
skincare in the morning and at night, idk if you are new to working out, but you can start out small with 2x a week. idk what other problems you have, using my imagination 🤔
shower everyday yeah
i dont know how to improve jawline without surgery other than chewing gum, you know any good guides on here?
i dont know how to improve jawline without surgery other than chewing gum, you know any good guides on here?
go to the gym, you increase your testosterone and that aids with bone development and facial structure
also an orthodontist
Any basic routine would be great, I already workout, do skin care and eat well, but I'm not sure how to manage it, which order I should do it in, and I feel like I'm missing other steps and methods to take to looksmaxx faster or better. And I need a better split, other than push, pull,legs that's more looksmaxxing related.
dont shower everyday do atleast 4/3 times a week or any day after you sweat

it hurts your skin barrier

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