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Discussion Ideal functional phisque?

Looks a little too aesthetic for reality though tbh
good grip strength for climbing and fighting
lean and muscular without any fat, to climb, fight, jump, buoyancy and swimming, efficient sprinting/running
long limbs for many reasons
strong core for stability
endurance and power
somatotype will influence a lot
ectomorph: lean and long limbed, good for endurance, some martial arts, and other stuff
mesomorph: muscular and athletic, for big power
endomorph: good for strength but less speed or endurance

ecotomporh and mesomorph mix will be best
good grip strength for climbing and fighting
lean and muscular without any fat, to climb, fight, jump, buoyancy and swimming, efficient sprinting/running
long limbs for many reasons
strong core for stability
endurance and power
somatotype will influence a lot
ectomorph: lean and long limbed, good for endurance, some martial arts, and other stuff
mesomorph: muscular and athletic, for big power
endomorph: good for strength but less speed or endurance

ecotomporh and mesomorph mix will be best
Long limbs are shit for climbing tbh
Good for fighting and swimming though so if there was a medium between average limbs and long limbs that would be best
Nah longer limbs just make it more difficult from experience, you should have a larger torso than legs as well for it
but i thought limb length (long arms+legs) is good for reach, not torso
positive, bigger ape index is better (long arms) for climbing
but i thought limb length (long arms+legs) is good for reach, not torso
positive, bigger ape index is better (long arms) for climbing
Sometimes it’s good, but if you have climbing gear a smaller climber is going to be faster than someone with long limbs. There’s a reason most sherpas for climbing come from Nepal where the average height for a man is 5’4”
Sometimes it’s good, but if you have climbing gear a smaller climber is going to be faster than someone with long limbs. There’s a reason most sherpas for climbing come from Nepal where the average height for a man is 5’4”
Of course the geographical location of Nepal plays a role, but you don’t see many non native sherpas because in theory they could train for it
Sometimes it’s good, but if you have climbing gear a smaller climber is going to be faster than someone with long limbs. There’s a reason most sherpas for climbing come from Nepal where the average height for a man is 5’4”
height is not necessarily correlated to climbing mountains
indians have average male height of 5'5, bangladesh is 5'4.5, bhutan is 5'5. bangladesh and china dont have the himalayas, and india is a pretty big country on its own
height is not necessarily correlated to climbing mountains
indians have average male height of 5'5, bangladesh is 5'4.5, bhutan is 5'5. bangladesh and china dont have the himalayas, and india is a pretty big country on its own
It makes it easier that’s what I’m saying though
Also smaller bodies are better for ascending crazy mountains because less food you have to carry on your back
It makes it easier that’s what I’m saying though
height allows to reach more and cover moves faster
short people complain that it is difficult
"Another interesting finding revealed by Randall and Torr is that shorter climbers need the strongest fingers for the grade, with every reduction of 10 centimeters in height correlating to the climber needing to be 2.5 percent stronger."
height allows to reach more and cover moves faster
short people complain that it is difficult
"Another interesting finding revealed by Randall and Torr is that shorter climbers need the strongest fingers for the grade, with every reduction of 10 centimeters in height correlating to the climber needing to be 2.5 percent stronger."
"A taller climber at the taller end of a normal spectrum requires significantly less finger strength than a much shorter peer, regardless of the grade and regardless of weight. If one climber is 20cm taller than another they will require 5 percent less finger strength to do the same moves"
height allows to reach more and cover moves faster
short people complain that it is difficult
"Another interesting finding revealed by Randall and Torr is that shorter climbers need the strongest fingers for the grade, with every reduction of 10 centimeters in height correlating to the climber needing to be 2.5 percent stronger."
Oh you are probably referring to the rock climbing/wall climbing which most people do with a fuck ton of gear, I’m talking about going up mountains and shit where it’s steep and you need to go certain spots to reach the peak
Oh you are probably referring to the rock climbing/wall climbing which most people do with a f**k ton of gear, I’m talking about going up mountains and shit where it’s steep and you need to go certain spots to reach the peak
For rock climbing it’s easier for tall people and long limbs but it’s not practical because you have all the gear making it not the most functional physique naturally
Oh you are probably referring to the rock climbing/wall climbing which most people do with a f**k ton of gear, I’m talking about going up mountains and shit where it’s steep and you need to go certain spots to reach the peak
For rock climbing it’s easier for tall people and long limbs but it’s not practical because you have all the gear making it not the most functional physique naturally
im referring to both
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