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idek advice ig

Jasmine Rose

Oct 10, 2023
Hey as a girl I'll see guys stare at me when im in public and some of them are really attractive (NYC got hella fashion boys / hot skaterboys) but I get nervous when they look at me too long especially if its a cute guy and im awkward asf so I act like I don't notice. Some guy told me I look intimidating and unapproachable he wasn't the first one tho. However it kind of sucks sometimes because I'll see a hot guy check me out a couple of times and we would make awkward eye contacts just for neither of us to get each others socials. People would say smile at him but ion wanna look creepy so thats why I stare back at most. I know hes not supposed to read my mind or wtv, but how do I look more approachable when a cute guy checks me out? Like at the end of the day we both be shy asf. Theres many men on this forum so I'd like to know how I can properly show interest back to someone. I hope this wasnt corny ngl im js shy asf irl


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just smile with your eyes idk
do an indicator of interest
Hey as a girl I'll see guys stare at me when im in public and some of them are really attractive (NYC got hella fashion boys / hot skaterboys) but I get nervous when they look at me too long especially if its a cute guy and im awkward asf so I act like I don't notice. Some guy told me I look intimidating and unapproachable he wasn't the first one tho. However it kind of sucks sometimes because I'll see a hot guy check me out a couple of times and we would make awkward eye contacts just for neither of us to get each others socials. People would say smile at him but ion wanna look creepy so thats why I stare back at most. I know hes not supposed to read my mind or wtv, but how do I look more approachable when a cute guy checks me out? Like at the end of the day we both be shy asf. Theres many men on this forum so I'd like to know how I can properly show interest back to someone. I hope this wasnt corny ngl im js shy asf irl
This is a very normal situation. The main reason why guys are not approaching you is because they think you’re very cute and are embarrassed to approach you! They would like to but maybe not in public because I know I wouldn’t want to embarrass myself in school trying to impress a cute girl! :)
Hey as a girl I'll see guys stare at me when im in public and some of them are really attractive (NYC got hella fashion boys / hot skaterboys) but I get nervous when they look at me too long especially if its a cute guy and im awkward asf so I act like I don't notice. Some guy told me I look intimidating and unapproachable he wasn't the first one tho. However it kind of sucks sometimes because I'll see a hot guy check me out a couple of times and we would make awkward eye contacts just for neither of us to get each others socials. People would say smile at him but ion wanna look creepy so thats why I stare back at most. I know hes not supposed to read my mind or wtv, but how do I look more approachable when a cute guy checks me out? Like at the end of the day we both be shy asf. Theres many men on this forum so I'd like to know how I can properly show interest back to someone. I hope this wasnt corny ngl im js shy asf irl
Anything jfl nobody would reject free pussy
as a guy myself I’ll confess that most of us are absolute pussies, from the way you’ve been described you’re obviously good-looking so I’d just say try and initiate when you see a guy you think is cute; the worst case is he says he has a gf or something and then you never see each other again because New York is f*****g humongous. Trust me most guys will probably appreciate a girl who can initiate like that
Hey as a girl I'll see guys stare at me when im in public and some of them are really attractive (NYC got hella fashion boys / hot skaterboys) but I get nervous when they look at me too long especially if its a cute guy and im awkward asf so I act like I don't notice. Some guy told me I look intimidating and unapproachable he wasn't the first one tho. However it kind of sucks sometimes because I'll see a hot guy check me out a couple of times and we would make awkward eye contacts just for neither of us to get each others socials. People would say smile at him but ion wanna look creepy so thats why I stare back at most. I know hes not supposed to read my mind or wtv, but how do I look more approachable when a cute guy checks me out? Like at the end of the day we both be shy asf. Theres many men on this forum so I'd like to know how I can properly show interest back to someone. I hope this wasnt corny ngl im js shy asf irl
so THIS is how those girls are.. alright ill be approaching more thanks for letting me know how the female brain works 👍
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  • #9
so THIS is how those girls are.. alright ill be approaching more thanks for letting me know how the female brain works 👍
Yes this is how girls think, if we make eye contact and look back at you alot thats us telling you that we find you attractive as well
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  • #10
as a guy myself I’ll confess that most of us are absolute pussies, from the way you’ve been described you’re obviously good-looking so I’d just say try and initiate when you see a guy you think is cute; the worst case is he says he has a gf or something and then you never see each other again because New York is f*****g humongous. Trust me most guys will probably appreciate a girl who can initiate like that
Thank you fr, im actually gonna start getting there socials and being bold when they are shy as well
Hey as a girl I'll see guys stare at me when im in public and some of them are really attractive (NYC got hella fashion boys / hot skaterboys) but I get nervous when they look at me too long especially if its a cute guy and im awkward asf so I act like I don't notice. Some guy told me I look intimidating and unapproachable he wasn't the first one tho. However it kind of sucks sometimes because I'll see a hot guy check me out a couple of times and we would make awkward eye contacts just for neither of us to get each others socials. People would say smile at him but ion wanna look creepy so thats why I stare back at most. I know hes not supposed to read my mind or wtv, but how do I look more approachable when a cute guy checks me out? Like at the end of the day we both be shy asf. Theres many men on this forum so I'd like to know how I can properly show interest back to someone. I hope this wasnt corny ngl im js shy asf irl
Last time I looked at this website it didn't allow women, I'm confused now.
there are less people here. also a lot of shitheads in org who yap about off-topic stuff and dont even try to looksmax. women arent allowed there either
Lol yeah I can tell last time I was on that website the first thread I read was "IF UR NOT 6'9 WHITE SUB 20% BF 9 FIGURES 10 INCHES IN 2024 DONT EVEN LOOK AT WOMEN" waste of time.

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