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News if you eat a healthy diet its ogre 4 u

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Deleted member 304

when i used to eat pizza and kfc every day i used to get so horny if i didnt fap for 1 day i would start sweating in class with my boner harder than a piece of steel. id sometimes literally have to go fap in the bathrooms cause i couldnt focus on anything

now i eat (((healthy diet))) and i still get hard but am barely horny anymore. maybe when i see a hot JB i get a lil horny, but nothing compared to before

i think it might have something to do with lower protein levels (now i eat like 200-300g but i used to get like maybe 100/day) + high insulin spikes leading to higher amount of free hormones in the blood + high levels of leptin leading to an increase in the release of FSH and LH

im looking into it currently boyos

daily reminder (((they))) always mislead you and to never take anything at face value
(((a high consumption of bread and pastries, dairy products, and desserts, eating out, and a low intake of homemade foods, noodles, and dark green vegetables)))

no matter how much i want to shit on sugar, and fructose specifically, theres absolutely 0 proof it affects T levels and I believe that myself.

also, noodles and dark green vegetables?????? XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

diets are hard to maintain ngl
i understand now how those american faggots get so fat, they have so much access to fast food.
around where i live there isn't anything almost
diets are hard to maintain ngl
i understand now how those american faggots get so fat, they have so much access to fast food.
around where i live there isn't anything almost
nothing bad about fast food tho
it has some shit ingredients ngl but unless youre very sensitive to that stuff, like a lot of people that go carnivore, nothing will happen
long term I suppose it does though, also the added sugar and the carbs in general that cause your body to go to shit.
long term I suppose it does though, also the added sugar and the carbs in general that cause your body to go to shit.
sugar is not a problem, fructose is (filthy jews trying to trick us into eating fruits JFL)

and carbs are no problem either, theyre very useful to provide quick energy. some people are naturally very insulin sensitive and can handle them very well (e.g. me, a chad) but if you cant, lifting weights improves insulin sensitivity a lot
sugar is not a problem, fructose is (filthy jews trying to trick us into eating fruits JFL)

and carbs are no problem either, theyre very useful to provide quick energy. some people are naturally very insulin sensitive and can handle them very well (e.g. me, a chad) but if you cant, lifting weights improves insulin sensitivity a lot
over anyway
better eat donuts everyday so you can die early since living as an incel is not a life worth living
over anyway
better eat donuts everyday so you can die early since living as an incel is not a life worth living
bro i do not appreciate bringing misinformation into my threads
whats ur longest streak of not fapping?
4 months involutarily and was actually much better off before

nofap is the most unproven bullshit ever. most studies these soy cucks try to use is just abstracts and have 100 other studies disagreeing with them (Truth is there will always be studies contradicting each other)

the other truth is that chad fucks 10 bitches per day and it doesnt affect his T in any way shape or form
bro i really wanna ldar ngl
i even find it difficult to type this right now
just jewgle it
classic low T betafag attitude. guess youre too cool to back up your claims

theres no back up tho no need for me to jewgle anything

low iq comments as usual