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I'm 10% bf and still look bloated/boneless

debloat being ripped has nothing to do with that
and maybe youre boneless, eat supplements and shit n***a
You may be boneless or you have really thick soft tissue
suicide is my only option
View attachment 31148
I may have the answer.
I have the same problem with 56 KG while having a fit body.
Verry low fat but still a round (and ugly) face.

That happens due to our skull format: the loss of fat can not reveal our sharp features because we dont have it.
Our lower mandible is recessed while our upper maxilla is forward, creating a bad side angle.
Also, because of that - looking at front profile - light creates a round shadow in our lower mandible instead of a sculptured hollow cheeks shadow.


We lack 2 things: (N1) good cheekbone that are high and projected that would create eye suport and a necessary line to evoque the hollow cheeks shadow, and (N2) lower mandible projection.


Red Colorful Tips Youtube Thumbnail (1).png

We could mew and face pull for eternity and we would never increase the chin projection because even though the upper maxilla would, in theses, move foward and the mandible would go along with it preserving the currently angle.

A chin surgery could improve the angle and our front profile shadowing, but we would still look kinda round due to the back of our jaw not being enough wide to be straight and our round not projected cheekbones making us round.

So it needs more, at least those 3 things to correct the problem:

1. Chin implant.
2. Cheekbone implant.
3. Jaw implant.

Le fort would not resolve it, nor bucal fat removal (i did something similar and it didn't fixed).
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I may have the answer.
I have the same problem with 56 KG while having a fit body.
Verry low fat but still a round (and ugly) face.

That happens due to our skull format: the loss of fat can not reveal our sharp features because we dont have it.
Our lower mandible is recessed while our upper maxilla is forward, creating a bad side angle.
Also, because of that - looking at front profile - light creates a round shadow in our lower mandible instead of a sculptured hollow cheeks shadow.

View attachment 31156

We lack 2 things: (N1) good cheekbone that are high and projected that would create eye suport and a necessary line to evoque the hollow cheeks shadow, and (N2) lower mandible projection.

View attachment 31157

View attachment 31158

We could mew and face pull for eternity and we would never increase the chin projection because even though the upper maxilla would, in theses, move foward and the mandible would go along with it preserving the currently angle.

A chin surgery could improve the angle and our front profile shadowing, but we would still look kinda round due to the back of our jaw not being enough wide to be straight and our round not projected cheekbones making us round.

So it needs more, at least those 3 things to correct the problem:

1. Chin implant.
2. Cheekbone implant.
3. Jaw implant.

Le fort would not resolve it, nor bucal fat removal (i did something similar and it didn't fixed).
Not a single word f****t
Brutal boneless pill i feel you
Just starvemaxx bro
Wont do shit if you have no bones to highlight in the first place
I always look like im sucking my cheeks in when im lean cause i have shit cheekbones and infras
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