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Story im so happy


Jul 7, 2024
so i got rejected by a guy i had liked for a while (ive mentioned him in previous threads) by him saying im ugly and weird and we arent even friends (brutal)

but thats not where the story ends, thats just to preface. so me and this guy have mutual friends so we eventual started talking more and i started liking him. we’ll call this guy s. i think hes really cool and we have a ton in common in terms of music taste and hobbies. but i thought he would never like someone like me because he only really dates these super normal extroverted girls. but we were texting and talking all the time so i was like maybe i have a chance.

i asked his friend if he knew if he liked me and he said that he would ask him and never got back to me but then s texted me after school saying ‘you couldve just asked me urself’ and i was like ‘do you’ and he said yes!! and now we’re dating which is crazy to me.

hopefully you guys are happy for me and i dont get flamed.
so i got rejected by a guy i had liked for a while (ive mentioned him in previous threads) by him saying im ugly and weird and we arent even friends (brutal)

but thats not where the story ends, thats just to preface. so me and this guy have mutual friends so we eventual started talking more and i started liking him. we’ll call this guy s. i think hes really cool and we have a ton in common in terms of music taste and hobbies. but i thought he would never like someone like me because he only really dates these super normal extroverted girls. but we were texting and talking all the time so i was like maybe i have a chance.

i asked his friend if he knew if he liked me and he said that he would ask him and never got back to me but then s texted me after school saying ‘you couldve just asked me urself’ and i was like ‘do you’ and he said yes!! and now we’re dating which is crazy to me.

hopefully you guys are happy for me and i dont get flamed.
so i got rejected by a guy i had liked for a while (ive mentioned him in previous threads) by him saying im ugly and weird and we arent even friends (brutal)

but thats not where the story ends, thats just to preface. so me and this guy have mutual friends so we eventual started talking more and i started liking him. we’ll call this guy s. i think hes really cool and we have a ton in common in terms of music taste and hobbies. but i thought he would never like someone like me because he only really dates these super normal extroverted girls. but we were texting and talking all the time so i was like maybe i have a chance.

i asked his friend if he knew if he liked me and he said that he would ask him and never got back to me but then s texted me after school saying ‘you couldve just asked me urself’ and i was like ‘do you’ and he said yes!! and now we’re dating which is crazy to me.

hopefully you guys are happy for me and i dont get flamed.
See when the time is right everything falls in it’s place. Users here are not ugly they are impatient. 🤷‍♂️
so i got rejected by a guy i had liked for a while (ive mentioned him in previous threads) by him saying im ugly and weird and we arent even friends (brutal)

but thats not where the story ends, thats just to preface. so me and this guy have mutual friends so we eventual started talking more and i started liking him. we’ll call this guy s. i think hes really cool and we have a ton in common in terms of music taste and hobbies. but i thought he would never like someone like me because he only really dates these super normal extroverted girls. but we were texting and talking all the time so i was like maybe i have a chance.

i asked his friend if he knew if he liked me and he said that he would ask him and never got back to me but then s texted me after school saying ‘you couldve just asked me urself’ and i was like ‘do you’ and he said yes!! and now we’re dating which is crazy to me.

hopefully you guys are happy for me and i dont get flamed.
so i got rejected by a guy i had liked for a while (ive mentioned him in previous threads) by him saying im ugly and weird and we arent even friends (brutal)

but thats not where the story ends, thats just to preface. so me and this guy have mutual friends so we eventual started talking more and i started liking him. we’ll call this guy s. i think hes really cool and we have a ton in common in terms of music taste and hobbies. but i thought he would never like someone like me because he only really dates these super normal extroverted girls. but we were texting and talking all the time so i was like maybe i have a chance.

i asked his friend if he knew if he liked me and he said that he would ask him and never got back to me but then s texted me after school saying ‘you couldve just asked me urself’ and i was like ‘do you’ and he said yes!! and now we’re dating which is crazy to me.

hopefully you guys are happy for me and i dont get flamed.
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  • #16
you did but ok
if youre talking about the femcel scale, look at it again. the one at the end was labeled as “true femcel” implying that the others weren’t femcels

if you aren’t, you’re confusing me with someone else.
so i got rejected by a guy i had liked for a while (ive mentioned him in previous threads) by him saying im ugly and weird and we arent even friends (brutal)

but thats not where the story ends, thats just to preface. so me and this guy have mutual friends so we eventual started talking more and i started liking him. we’ll call this guy s. i think hes really cool and we have a ton in common in terms of music taste and hobbies. but i thought he would never like someone like me because he only really dates these super normal extroverted girls. but we were texting and talking all the time so i was like maybe i have a chance.

i asked his friend if he knew if he liked me and he said that he would ask him and never got back to me but then s texted me after school saying ‘you couldve just asked me urself’ and i was like ‘do you’ and he said yes!! and now we’re dating which is crazy to me.

hopefully you guys are happy for me and i dont get flamed.
congratulations 🎉 🎉 🎉
i was gonna say somethings but it doesn't matter be happy and don't let ur guard down
men aren't saints even if they are better than women
and be a good person
don't do things which u know are wrong
think and use ur brain
and plz be smart cuz i think u r too innocent and gullible

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