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Improve Apparence


May 23, 2024
How I can to improve my face?

Jawline, cheekbones

There is one treatment for it?

Ortodontic's? Suggestions, please

Mewing? I make

Chewing? There is gum for chew universally, in my country don't has the gums recommend in the threads. Exist some universally gum?

Thanks to everyone
You could try chewing with gum and just chewing food more
But probably surgery if you are out of puberty
Age is often a factor most people are done by 18-20
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  • #7
Age is often a factor most people are done by 18-20
Do you have any suggestions for any non-invasive treatments? Can orthodontic braces help? Even though my bite and arch are ok?
Do you have any suggestions for any non-invasive treatments? Can orthodontic braces help? Even though my bite and arch are ok?
Potentially ortho? Idk what treatment you would need u would have to reach out to an ortho department
if you are recessed ortho may not help however
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  • #12
I will show you my face and you will tell me what adjustments I need to make
For visible jawline get at lower body fat percentage

And for cheekbones chew , and pray and boost testosterone
For visible jawline get at lower body fat percentage

And for cheekbones chew , and pray and boost testosterone
Things sigma would say basically

I had no idea what to say so i stole whatever he says on a regular basis and added pray to it 😀
brb using imagination 🤔
for the orthodontics, speak to a proffesional. i have no idea what you look like so i would not know if you have any issues.
do what raj said
you dont need to chew special gum, i dont
mewing and having good posture is important

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