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Is it worth it?


Active member
Sep 8, 2024
I always wanted to talk about people in my situation how do they feel about all the self improvement thing: you see other people out there enjoying life (even ugly ones) while you’re so deep into lookism that you can’t even think about anything else. What do you do if you just know you can’t reach a certain goal , and that’s all that you’ll ever want? Honestly I’m really considering fucking suicide ngl.
I always wanted to talk about people in my situation how do they feel about all the self improvement thing: you see other people out there enjoying life (even ugly ones) while you’re so deep into lookism that you can’t even think about anything else. What do you do if you just know you can’t reach a certain goal , and that’s all that you’ll ever want? Honestly I’m really considering fucking suicide ngl.
get bimax and rhinoplasty
I always wanted to talk about people in my situation how do they feel about all the self improvement thing: you see other people out there enjoying life (even ugly ones) while you’re so deep into lookism that you can’t even think about anything else. What do you do if you just know you can’t reach a certain goal , and that’s all that you’ll ever want? Honestly I’m really considering fucking suicide ngl.
Do your yoga. Do your face massages (very impactful) HARDMAX, massage your eyes into your desired shape and just keep fkn going
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  • #27
Do your yoga. Do your face massages (very impactful) HARDMAX, massage your eyes into your desired shape and just keep fkn going
I don’t want to be delusional, maybe I’ll work hard and stille be average. I’m currently below average actually, but I still hate the idea of being “normal”
I don’t want to be delusional, maybe I’ll work hard and stille be average. I’m currently below average actually, but I still hate the idea of being “normal”
what do u want look like madison beer or some model
just remember that every single thing in this world is based on luck
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  • #33
dye your hair back to normal, start with guasha and HARD MEWING, do yoga/pilates/barre. Period
Ok, but doing yoga and mewing won’t magically change my face
dye your hair back to normal, start with guasha and HARD MEWING, do yoga/pilates/barre. Period
if i do HARD MEWING will i become indian salludon lookalike named dalluson
I always wanted to talk about people in my situation how do they feel about all the self improvement thing: you see other people out there enjoying life (even ugly ones) while you’re so deep into lookism that you can’t even think about anything else. What do you do if you just know you can’t reach a certain goal , and that’s all that you’ll ever want? Honestly I’m really considering fucking suicide ngl.
Find other ways to cope. Life isn’t just about looking good. A man or a woman can find a partner regardless, but the issue is that it might not be the partner of your dreams. If life were only about looks, then models would have already finished life, yet I somehow still see them chasing life.

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