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Is it worth it?

what about chin filler, to like, elongate the chin from the side?
will look weird
look if u can get surgeries without any problems or anything get them cause they will improve ur appearance
but u can go on without them too
will look weird
look if u can get surgeries without any problems or anything get them cause they will improve ur appearance
but u can go on without them too
Hard-mewing, guasha, natural beautiful hair color an, yoga/barre/pilates is the way to go for any woman wanting to improve! period
Hard-mewing, guasha, natural beautiful hair color an, yoga/barre/pilates is the way to go for any woman wanting to improve! period
<hard mewing
Doesn’t do shit after the age of 12
<gua sha
Temporary debloat
<natural beautiful hair color
All about le face
Stress le body for no reason
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #69
<hard mewing
Doesn’t do shit after the age of 12
<gua sha
Temporary debloat
<natural beautiful hair color
All about le face
Stress le body for no reason
I always wanted to talk about people in my situation how do they feel about all the self improvement thing: you see other people out there enjoying life (even ugly ones) while you’re so deep into lookism that you can’t even think about anything else. What do you do if you just know you can’t reach a certain goal , and that’s all that you’ll ever want? Honestly I’m really considering fucking suicide ngl.
Hello, I understand you. I completely gave up on being in a relationship long time ago before knowing what blackpill was, but I find fun in studying something I like, doing exercise, and generally doing hobbies. Dating is just one side of life, if you can't have one of those sides just ignore it. You can call it cope but I rather cope than rope. After death there's nothing, so try to do everything now.
I always wanted to talk about people in my situation how do they feel about all the self improvement thing: you see other people out there enjoying life (even ugly ones) while you’re so deep into lookism that you can’t even think about anything else. What do you do if you just know you can’t reach a certain goal , and that’s all that you’ll ever want? Honestly I’m really considering fucking suicide ngl.
this is real, i used to be happy until i got into lookism then started hated everything about myself now im miserable😭😭 my best advice to u is try and move on, get off the forums, stop comparing urslef, stop thinking so much about how u look and just enjoy life yk..i should prob take my advice but…🤷‍♀️
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #86
Hello, I understand you. I completely gave up on being in a relationship long time ago before knowing what blackpill was, but I find fun in studying something I like, doing exercise, and generally doing hobbies. Dating is just one side of life, if you can't have one of those sides just ignore it. You can call it cope but I rather cope than rope. After death there's nothing, so try to do everything now.
I feel you, but I don’t care about relationships, I just want pretty privilege and sht like that
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  • #87
this is real, i used to be happy until i got into lookism then started hated everything about myself now im miserable😭😭 my best advice to u is try and move on, get off the forums, stop comparing urslef, stop thinking so much about how u look and just enjoy life yk..i should prob take my advice but…
I can enjoy life as much as I want, but when I’ll laugh and pass by a mirror , just remembering how I look like will ruin my day.
You can’t escape truth after you know it.
I feel you, but I don’t care about relationships, I just want pretty privilege and sht like that
Oh then you shouldn't be so worried. If you are a girl and you live in a first world country, most people will try to be nice to you as long as you are not mean to them. Also wanting to rope just because not having pretty privilege is pretty dumb.
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  • #89
Oh then you shouldn't be so worried. If you are a girl and you live in a first world country, most people will try to be nice to you as long as you are not mean to them. Also wanting to rope just because not having pretty privilege is pretty dumb.
It’s just standards. Some people want to become rich, some others a car idk, some want a partner. I want to be pretty 🙏
It’s just standards. Some people want to become rich, some others a car idk, some want a partner. I want to be pretty 🙏
nobody kill themselves if they don't have a car or are not rich
u r either trolling or u r stupid
It’s just standards. Some people want to become rich, some others a car idk, some want a partner. I want to be pretty 🙏
Yeah well none of those standars are useful standars. They are plastic desires. Leave your phone away and wait to get bored. Then you will start doing things that will make you feel better than "feeling pretty".
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  • #94
Yeah well none of those standars are useful standars. They are plastic desires. Leave your phone away and wait to get bored. Then you will start doing things that will make you feel better than "feeling pretty".
Humans are animals and our only natural purpose is to survive and procreate .
None of the shit that society made up is real.
But beauty is real and being good looking determines the quality of your interaction with the others. Love, kindness, respect all this things are delulu crap. Humans are superficial and cruel, that’s it.
Humans are animals and our only natural purpose is to survive and procreate .
None of the shit that society made up is real.
But beauty is real and being good looking determines the quality of your interaction with the others. Love, kindness, respect all this things are delulu crap. Humans are superficial and cruel, that’s it.
I'm so sorry you think like that. Humans are just humans, most of us try to be okay with life, and all of us fail sometimes. However, If you love beauty so much, why don't you try to portrait it first? It comes in lots of things, not only faces. I am very interested in beauty as well, and I'm currently trying to be a photographer to catch the beauty in all of their forms.
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  • #96
I'm so sorry you think like that. Humans are just humans, most of us try to be okay with life, and all of us fail sometimes. However, If you love beauty so much, why don't you try to portrait it first? It comes in lots of things, not only faces. I am very interested in beauty as well, and I'm currently trying to be a photographer to catch the beauty in all of their forms.
Cool, I’m an artist! Idk, I think my perception of life is maybe overly objective , but It’s based on my personal experience. I have received attention from the opposite sex, been called pretty and stuff like that , but I think my deal with beauty is more on a personal level. Tho I think attraction is kinda subjective , I do agree with the community about my bad looking face.
I don’t like myself, I’ll try to get as better as possible, without exaggeration (too much surgery) . Thank you all, I appreciated your help, I like that you’re honest .
don’t tell yourself you can’t reach something and you deadass won’t.
believe you can be better, it helps you actually do the things you need to do to ascend.
if i told myself everyday im a fat sack of shit and i shouldn’t even try then im gonna stay a fat sack of shit that doesn’t try.
stop victimizing yourself and being a baby and do what you have to do.
I dont think becoming prettier will make you feel better.
Imagine an anorexic person telling you they just need to be skinnier, THEY JUST WANT TO BE SKINNER OKAY? ITS JUST HOW IT IS OKAY.
I always wanted to talk about people in my situation how do they feel about all the self improvement thing: you see other people out there enjoying life (even ugly ones) while you’re so deep into lookism that you can’t even think about anything else. What do you do if you just know you can’t reach a certain goal , and that’s all that you’ll ever want? Honestly I’m really considering fucking suicide ngl.
I just want to be beautiful, that’s it, the rest will come after that
You're pretty delusional. You looked damn good in the pic with glasses on. Quit being a crybaby.

What makes you think you aren't beautiful? If the guys you like don't take you seriously it's because you're a basket case.
I always wanted to talk about people in my situation how do they feel about all the self improvement thing: you see other people out there enjoying life (even ugly ones) while you’re so deep into lookism that you can’t even think about anything else. What do you do if you just know you can’t reach a certain goal , and that’s all that you’ll ever want? Honestly I’m really considering fucking suicide ngl.
1.get a hobby or job
2.personality max so you can have a social life

you can definitely reach whatever goal you have Mabey not in a month Mabey not in a year but anything is possible

third of all don’t kill yourself you gon die eventually #OKAY

Also limit how much time you spend on theese forums it’s not healthy lol

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