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Is my maxilla and chin recessed?

1. No, they're not!
Your maxillary bone and chin bones are actually quite different. Your jawbone consists of maxillae (upper jaw) and mandibles (lower jaw). These two parts are fused together at birth, but then separate at adolescence. The maxilla is much larger than the mandible, and its purpose is to hold your teeth in place. In some people, their maxilla is slightly smaller than normal, but this doesn't mean anything is wrong. Sometimes, patients have concerns about their maxilla being recessed, but this isn't usually true.
2. Most likely not
The size of the maxilla is determined by genetics, and no matter how big or small someone's face may appear, chances are that he/she has a normal sized maxilla. People who do have a slightly receded upper jawline have either been told this by a dentist or cosmetic surgeon, or have noticed the slight depression themselves. To determine if this is truly the case, visit the dentist and ask him/her to measure your jawline. If your dentist notices any discrepancy, he/she can give you advice that will help you decide whether or not you should consider having facial plastic surgery.
3. Yes, mine does...
Sometimes, if someone's bone structure has not fully developed, doctors will make use of procedures known as orthognathic surgeries to correct the problem. One of these procedures involves placing screws along the jaw joint and attaching them to each side of the skull.

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Bro, your maxilla is fine. You are a chad or a chadlite. Do not listen to freaks
U lack periorbital fad pads very little bone mass on cheekbones i think you also have a narrow skull high gonial angle and u are recessed on lower and upper jaw(maxilla) shit lips ur onl good points are your nose ,slanting forehead and eyelashes which are average , slightly above average at most
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