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Is there a way to mute or even to totally eliminate the part of your brain..

Buddy Boyo

LGBTQP+ supporter
Jul 24, 2019
Neoples Buttcunt
which is responsible for fear?

I think it is indeed possible to live without the Emotion fear

At least if you already experienced fear Long enough in your life, if you know when fear becomes helpful and when not

at least if you're a reasonable person

fear Always dominated my life, my life would had been a Trillion times better if i hadnt suffered so much from fear
which is responsible for fear?

I think it is indeed possible to live without the Emotion fear

At least if you already experienced fear Long enough in your life, if you know when fear becomes helpful and when not

at least if you're a reasonable person

fear Always dominated my life, my life would had been a Trillion times better if i hadnt suffered so much from fear
learn mindfulness with mediation to control your thoughts
Start by fucking up your mind. For psychological desensitisation, watch gore and horror movies.

Then expose yourself to danger and threat in real life. Join a martial arts class or something , get beaten up and beat up your opponents .

Just don't worry about death because we all die.

Plus you have nothing to worry about because you are a non believer.
So no point if me lecturing you over what is real yet cannot be seen.

Hunt animals if your state allows it.
Just don't give a fuck about others and those who are in need.

Be proud of your wicked acts if you do the following, laugh and rejoice on every single lie and deception you successfully commit.

Don't go deep into anyone's shoes, keep your feelings hidden from those you desire and wish the best for.
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There is case of man who got shoot in head, but upside. He lost about 30 and something % part of prefrontal cortex, and the way he's behaving with people around is like the lowest inhib animal you could imagine
which is responsible for fear?

I think it is indeed possible to live without the Emotion fear

At least if you already experienced fear Long enough in your life, if you know when fear becomes helpful and when not

at least if you're a reasonable person

fear Always dominated my life, my life would had been a Trillion times better if i hadnt suffered so much from fear
Fear me loser , there is no escape.