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Issues with @Astro's exercises for hyoid bone

Dec 4, 2019

The first one I have issues with @AstroSky
I feel my skin stretching which is NOT good. I feel as this will stretch your skin and I feel as though the second exercise is a better alternative but I don't feel the stretch on on my neck muscles.. Are you opening your mouth wide. And what do you mean by putting your neck back as do it? Must you jut your jaw forward or chintuck while doing it? How long do you do it for. You leave out a lot of info.

When I open my mouth wide and do it My neck ligaments flare out and hurt. Same with the explosive mouth opens

The first one I have issues with @AstroSky
I feel my skin stretching which is NOT good. I feel as this will stretch your skin and I feel as though the second exercise is a better alternative but I don't feel the stretch on on my neck muscles.. Are you opening your mouth wide. And what do you mean by putting your neck back as do it? Must you jut your jaw forward or chintuck while doing it? How long do you do it for. You leave out a lot of info.

When I open my mouth wide and do it My neck ligaments flare out and hurt. Same with the explosive mouth opens

Those exercises are cope
Lose weight....either you got it or you don't
You don't believe you can tighten your hyoid bone and muscles? Why not?
I believe you can. But the improvements are negligible in the big picture.

It's like a person with a terrible gonial angle of 145° saying mewing made it 142°. Yes that's improvement but still a bad gonial angle.

Someone with a naturally high hyoid is 10x better.
I believe you can. But the improvements are negligible in the big picture.

It's like a person with a terrible gonial angle of 145° saying mewing made it 142°. Yes that's improvement but still a bad gonial angle.

Someone with a naturally high hyoid is 10x better.
I disagree. I think if I mew i can do it. Or if i do some of these. Yet astro's looks pretty bad still.... So..