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Rage its fucking over i will never get unbanned

tbf that’s all the users here

We’re just giga high iq mentally ill autists scared of going outside

That’s just me anyway kek
how’s the wage slave going .
Tbh I don’t think I would rope, there’s people I love here.
My future as I see is being cucked by a moid with a white girl.

Roping is overrated anyway

I’ve tried multiple times, like slitting my throat and wrists plus ODing and I’m still here kek

99% chance you’ll fail and end up in a worse spot so not worth it

Roping is overrated anyway

I’ve tried multiple times, like slitting my throat and wrists plus ODing and I’m still here kek

99% chance you’ll fail and end up in a worse spot so not worth it

Damn that sucks
Are you okay now.
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  • #126
idk try to appeal by pming mods but I doubt you’ll ever get back in
n***a didn t I tell you that I can t Do absolutely anything
I can t even pm mods bro I cant even respond to messages
according to normie foids I am

probs only like htn on psl scale so over
Like no foid will put up with my autism and rightfully so

Like the look of disgust when they hear me open my stressed out mouth

It’s a shame really because when I’m calm online foids tend to compliment my voice on VC

But IRL I’m finished because hypergamy is on steroids here in britland
Fuck you tbh over for autists like me
Well yeah my face could only get so much

I’m trying my best to make it so my face can compensate for lack of personality but tbh I’m finished as my mental state begins to deteriorate
Well yeah my face could only get so much

I’m trying my best to make it so my face can compensate for lack of personality but tbh I’m finished as my mental state begins to deteriorate
Like I’m probably going actually schizophrenic KEK
Like I’m probably going actually schizophrenic KEK
Brutal bhai,
Do you have paranoia and shit.
One of my grandma had schizophrenia and she was ostracised form society .
Brutal bhai,
Do you have paranoia and shit.
One of my grandma had schizophrenia and she was ostracised form society .
Yeah I’ve got paranoia and I occasionally hear voices now so I don’t know what’s up with that KEK
Yeah I’ve got paranoia and I occasionally hear voices now so I don’t know what’s up with that KEK
That’s literally a symptom of schizophrenia.
My grandma used to hear angels and prophets voices and used to pray 24/7.
Yeah I’ve got paranoia and I occasionally hear voices now so I don’t know what’s up with that KEK
Do you have any family member with schizophrenia cuz usually it’s a genetic thing
No, I’m just very mentally ill for some reason

Most of my family are htns and Chads socially but I’m messed up for some reason
oh the mental mog must be brutal
I am no professional so I don’t think you should take my words seriously.
If you had a gf before then I am sure you can get another girl, just be hopeful and patient .
The time will come ig.
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