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It's hard to find a milf to betabux for you ?


May 5, 2024
I'm a neet with social anxiety who can't hold a job but i'm High MTN/htn.
I'm 21, i want to find a women(25-35) who will understand my situation and let me live with her in her home and be in a relationship with me and let me become an househusband.
Can that be done ? Because if not i will be homeless soon
Definitely possible but it could make your life more complicated if issues arise
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  • #8
Definitely possible but it could make your life more complicated if issues arise
i need to find a milf who let me stay in her home or i become homeless without a job , worse issues than homelessnes can t be
i need to find a milf who let me stay in her home or i become homeless without a job , worse issues than homelessnes can t bet.
realistically you might be better off trying to find another option because what you are trying to do can't be accomplished in a super short amount of time
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  • #11
realistically you might be better off trying to find another option because what you are trying to do can't be accomplished in a super short amount of time
i have 30 accounts on dating apps and i daily make more to maximize the chances to find one
i have 30 accounts on dating apps and i daily make more to maximize the chances to find one
bro im caging this shit is so ridiculous how many milf matches do you have
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  • #13
bro im caging this shit is so ridiculous how many milf matches do you have
i had in the last 2 days only 5 but i was autist and i told them that i won t accept them to have male friends.
I guess i can t make conditions anymore because i will be homeless if i don t lower my standards
i had in the last 2 days only 5 but i was autist and i told them that i won t accept them to have male friends.
I guess i can t make conditions anymore because i will be homeless if i don t lower my standards
lower your standards then if you really need the housing
Soy un neet con ansiedad social que no puede mantener un trabajo, pero tengo un MTN / htn alto.
Tengo 21 años, quiero encontrar una mujer (25-35) que entienda mi situación y me deje vivir con ella en su casa y tener una relación conmigo y me permita convertirme en ama de casa.
¿Se puede hacer eso? Porque si no, pronto me quedaré sin hogar
Es poco probable, pero se puede lograr

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