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Discussion It's so over....

Dec 17, 2023
For me it's definitely and absolutely over, unless there's a miracle cure.

Because it's not necessarily that I'm too ugly, but I lack the necessary health and money.

Can't earn money when I'm chronically ill, and often nearly bedridden.

Can't date, can't do much at all, it gets worse only with age.

I just exist and wait until I die I guess. So it's truly over for me unless there's a cure right? Cure of chronic fatigue and pain.
don't say that! genuinely there is always room for improvement, and I am willing to bet that you are still very young, so there is time to become better. also, why focus so much on this specific aspect of your life, when there is so much to flourish in areas
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  • #3
don't say that! genuinely there is always room for improvement, and I am willing to bet that you are still very young, so there is time to become better. also, why focus so much on this specific aspect of your life, when there is so much to flourish in areas

Because no one would want a subhuman make like me?
with that victim mentality, you are for sure not going anywhere, that is the only guarantee. now, the best is to improve yourself to help your self esteem, and maybe try to find a more intrinsic source of motivation, instead of extrinsic
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  • #5
with that victim mentality, you are for sure not going anywhere, that is the only guarantee. now, the best is to improve yourself to help your self esteem, and maybe try to find a more intrinsic source of motivation, instead of extrinsic

Yeah how optimistic would you be with severe chronic pain and chronic fatigue being forced to live in a glorified nursing home?

Why do you possibly think I could ever find a partner? Like seriously...