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Experience I've been living with 2500 ng/dL of T for the past 8 months AMA

Clavicular is just popular for posting face, BGM just has awful takes so the whole forum gets enraged, and BrahminBoss spams meme
Brahmin boss hates how all Indians look but loves how he looks and everything he has isn't a failo
yo what was the site you used to measure wassup5
sorry forgot to reply my bad G its called its pretty accurate but u need to make sure u take a front unfrauded pic
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  • #69
ignoring raj fighting everyone, does it feel as great as one would imagine? Also did ur frame change in a significant way?
It feels awesome. My whole character changed in a year. I feel like a real man. I wanna beat people up on the road and overall my aura is a lot more masculine. Frame changed a bit bone-wise and I got some muscles on top of that
I took 200mg of testosterone cyp and had 3400ng/dl testosterone levels. I checked on bodybuilding forms and showed bloods and they kept calling me a hyper responder and should feel lucky.

This gave me extrem lifefuel as my shgb was low on top of that so I didn't have to worry about my hormones gobbling all my free T.

I never took an AI or anything else. Got a girl pregnant before. While ON IT. My balls seem to still work. Been on t for almost 3 years now. * a little longer

This is what lead me to believe I don't need to blast as hard as other people and have stuck with lower dosages.

I current take 150mg a week MAX. And have had no issues in the gym and progress. Almost feels like a high cycle yet it's not.
