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Just dont give a fuck maxing

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Deleted member 342

For some people including me it’s over, so what do you do?
Well in my case what has helped is not giving a fuck maxing.
Do whatever the fuck you like and simply spend as much time as possible doing things you enjoy.
For me my genetics are completely fucked up in every single way,
My face is ugly, my body is assymetrical.
I have bad genetics for bodybuilding.
My cock is small, my feet are small, my hands are small.

So the solution for me was to just dont give a fuck, so far I have started to eat alot of food which makes me feel better (I used to eat 1 egg in a day and almost got anorexic)
I drink alot of beer which is horrible but translates into good memories with the few friends I have.

The pros with not giving a fuck maxing :
It definetly helps you get happier,
You can find other people who are not giving a fuck maxing.

Cons :
Foids will see you as subhuman, unless its some freaky girl who is into ogres or low inhib slayer subhumans.

I feel like my life has actually gotten better,
Sitting and feeling bad about your subhuman genes will never help, you have got to move on if you dont want to die.
Even though it might not seem like it there are other things in life than foids.
And if you want a decent life as a subhuman you will have to accept this.

After all you could start saving up money while not giving a fuck maxing and one day maybe you could afford surgeries to ascend and fuck a bunch of girls.

On top of that you will have alot of fun memories from not giving a fuck maxing.

DEDSRS, this is not for everyone though but works for me so far.
it's the see food diet

you see the food and you eat it

but srs u were a cuckorexic too? seems a lot of us ogremaxxers were
it's the see food diet

you see the food and you eat it

but srs u were a cuckorexic too? seems a lot of us ogremaxxers were

Yes but I literally cant be lean, IM built to be fat.
Yes but I literally cant be lean, IM built to be fat.
i could have stayed at 55 kgs, probably could have gone down even lower but its not a fun life

Once upon a time I used to live the bloat life on 3 litres of milk a day, literally desecrated my bum hole due to the most volcanic shits
JFL @ not drinking lactose free milk. not only is it better to digest even for non lactoseintolerance cucks, but its sweeter too