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Experience just went to the gym


boatsman on the river of Styx triple six
Aug 30, 2024
I did chest and triceps today, but I had no idea what I was doing. When I was doing pec flies, my left shoulder was in a lot of pain—something is wrong with it, but I don't know what. So, I switched to the pec dec machine. I did 4 sets to failure, then 2 lighter sets to failure. Afterward, I switched to tricep pushdowns, still unsure of what I was doing. The tricep pushdowns not only hurt my triceps but also affected my core, which I didn’t expect. After this, I went back to the pec dec and repeated the same routine as earlier.

felt great after tbh.
it evokes stress because of fightor flight
Bro what are you yapping about hitting the gym does not trigger any type of response like that your body doesn't even produce adrenaline like it would it were in flight or fight
Bro what are you yapping about hitting the gym does not trigger any type of response like that your body doesn't even produce adrenaline like it would it were in fof
it does, most stress is created this way.
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Sadly gym is cope and girls don’t care about muscles 😢
ive seen plenty of mtn gymcels with gymcel women. but whatever. im going to the gym so i can build muscle since i am skinnyfat ie low muscle mass high body fat %
She has a restraining order against him the carnivore diet messes up his brain and made him a caveman
carnivore diet is deadly cuz of iron overdose
your liver will fail
jfl also high iron causes psychosis
most iron overdoses occur from supplements, also this hasnt been studied for true carnivore i would bet
20-40mg of iron is overdose
100g of raw lamb liver has 10.33mg, chicken liver 9.8mg and beef liver 5.8mg.
meat in general is high in iron
also this is usually after a long time
20-40mg of iron is overdose
100g of raw lamb liver has 10.33mg, chicken liver 9.8mg and beef liver 5.8mg.
meat in general is high in iron
also this is usually after a long time
sounds extremely difficult to get, if you are eating different types of natural whole foods

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