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Info keep your teeth together (srs)


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2019
(long story short for adhdcels)
keep your teeth together (from incisors to molars) lightly, this will make your occlusal plane realign with your frankfurt plane through alveolar remodeling over time, giving you a narrower gonial angle thus a long ramus, defined gonion and the likes

of course don't overdo It or It will do more harm than good obviously (i feel like i shouldn't even point this out, but you're never too sure that there aren't retards out there that will give themselves bruxism just to get top tiere jow exde XD)

mewing with teeth not in touch = you're wasting your time jfl

if you're gonna mew with your teeth far apart you might as well just keep your teeth together and leave It at that, it's definitely gonna be more beneficial

btw if you bash on this you're completely retarded, there is literally no reason in the world that keeps you from keeping your teeth together unless you have malocclusion, in which case just get braces khunt

EDIT : just in case some smartass decides to point this out, it's actually impossible to have an occlusal plane fully aligned with your frankfurt plane, even ppl with great gonial angles don't, but the closer It is for your occlusal plane to be perpendicular to your frankfurt plane the better
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I agree man. But I don't clench them. I only keep them resting on each other.
Very strong pressure on the gonion
I can feel it,almost hurts
man don't do It that hard if It hurts. your lower teeth should just give support to your upper teeth. you will ruin your teeth and have unbearable pain if you clench them
man don't do It that hard if It hurts. your lower teeth should just give support to your upper teeth. you will ruin your teeth and have unbearable pain if you clench them
Not teeth,the gonion.
And it doesn't hurt, just feeling pressure
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