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Jul 4, 2019
WATER WATER WATER WATER for some this is just plain H20!
for others this is as mysterious as the depth of your moms WOMB


Respect isn’t just handed out. It’s something you earn through how you carry yourself and how you approach others. The way you initiate a conversation sets the tone for how it’s going to go, and it’s crucial to be aware of this. Otherwise, you might come across as a mentalcel – someone who’s socially clueless.

When you start a conversation, calling someone DUMB and EXPECTING a conversation is one way ticket to GUTTER TOWN.

Respect online is just as important as respect in person. In forums and online communities, the way you start a conversation can make or break how it’s going to go. If you come in hot, calling someone stupid or belittling them, you’re not only setting a negative tone but also risking your own credibility and respect.
When you’re posting in a forum, think about how you’re presenting yourself. The internet can feel anonymous, but behind every username is a real person ( THIS IS 100% truth and the moment you keep this very much in the forefront of your mind you automatically do all of this). If you approach a discussion with aggression or disrespect, you’re shuttig down the chance for meaningful dialogue. (I HAVE DONE THIS BTW SO I KNOW)

Remember, respect is a two-way street. You earn it by giving it.

In the end, respect is about authenticity and effort. It’s about being real and showing that you care. When you approach people with this mindset, you’ll earn their respect naturally, and your conversations will flow smoothly. YOU ALSO AVOID TRIGGERING THEM INTO REACTING :D
Respect online is just as important as respect in person.
I disagree.
Respect is important but irl, online it just doesn't make sense.
It doesn't matter if im being respectful or not when i know i will probably never see that person in real life. What someone thinks about you online shouldn't never be one of your concerns.
Now i dont mean to say that everyone should go around insulting and bullying everyone but if u really care about what people think about you online you really need to start living life
did the argument earlier spark the interest for this thread?
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I disagree.
Respect is important but irl, online it just doesn't make sense.
It doesn't matter if im being respectful or not when i know i will probably never see that person in real life. What someone thinks about you online shouldn't never be one of your concerns.
Now i dont mean to say that everyone should go around insulting and bullying everyone but if u really care about what people think about you online you really need to start living life
I respectfully disagree. Even online, respect is good
Respect fosters a positive and supportive environment, which we want HERE. this can lead to more meaningful discussions. Your online behavior shapes your reputation and influence. Disrespect can limit your connections and credibility. Real people are behind usernames. Disrespect can have real emotional impacts. Practicing respect enhances your communication skills and reflects your character.
Chad doesn't need to do shit
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did the argument earlier spark the interest for this thread?

I turn anything that gets me emotional into something productive in the end, and that’s what has always created some of my best content. "Mewing for Beginners" was created after a huge argument that left me in shambles. I often create diamonds out of coal.
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Chad doesn't need to do shit
Low iq chads who are considered psycopaths do, actually likeable people who do what i said above do this IRL. Also this is good training for mental ability's for those who consider themselves mentalcel. Lots of autism exist and it can get confused with psychopathic traits or even not having empathy but if you truly wanna ascend, you will ascend the mind too.
I respectfully disagree. Even online, respect is good
Respect fosters a positive and supportive environment, which we want HERE. this can lead to more meaningful discussions. Your online behavior shapes your reputation and influence. Disrespect can limit your connections and credibility. Real people are behind usernames. Disrespect can have real emotional impacts. Practicing respect enhances your communication skills and reflects your character.
I see your point.
Respecting the other persons opinion is crucial to have fruitful discussion.
What i mean is that if supposedly some is being rude to you on purpose instead of crying about it you can always cope like a chad and log out 💯
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I see your point.
Respecting the other persons opinion is crucial to have fruitful discussion.
What i mean is that if supposedly some is being rude to you on purpose instead of crying about it you can always cope like a chad and log out 💯
This is true when you don't want to have a community, when you are on the wild west side of the internet or not interested in interacting with people often that is very true, just log out. dont even care. ( this is a community tbh so you will interact with the same people often) a standard of respect must be made to keep peace and good discussions .
I turn anything that gets me emotional into something productive in the end, and that’s what has always created some of my best content. "Mewing for Beginners" was created after a huge argument that left me in shambles. I often create diamonds out of coal.
Which argument plz paste link
did not read a single electron /j

obviously respect is important... i joke often and keep things lighthearted.
tbh i have difficulty feeling hate, after a certain age i just stopped giving a fuck, and i think its for the better. now all of my comments are lighthearted. some people misinterpet what i say and think im fr.
sometimes it takes me a while to realize that people are saying stuff with hatred. its been a very long time since ive felt that. most people think im chill but a bit weird.
best things to do:
- just ignore the person, dont give them the attention
- try to cool off the convo, maybe troll a little

also it confuses me even more when people are upset at trolls online... like bro youre mad at a screen.. 🤨😭

i was very depressed and in part was because i hated everything and everyone. when i stopped caring about that and realized there are more important things, i mentally ascended. never expect respect. the world does not revolve around you, catering to your every little feeling. wake up. just get out of this victimhood mentality. thats all there is. stop being a victim.
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did not read a single electron /j

obviously respect is important... i joke often and keep things lighthearted.
tbh i have difficulty feeling hate, after a certain age i just stopped giving a f**k, and i think its for the better. now all of my comments are lighthearted. some people misinterpet what i say and think im fr.
sometimes it takes me a while to realize that people are saying stuff with hatred. its been a very long time since ive felt that. most people think im chill but a bit weird.
best things to do:
- just ignore the person, dont give them the attention
- try to cool off the convo, maybe troll a little

also it confuses me even more when people are upset at trolls online... like bro youre mad at a screen.. 🤨😭

i was very depressed and in part was because i hated everything and everyone. when i stopped caring about that and realized there are more important things, i mentally ascended. never expect respect. the world does not revolve around you, catering to your every little feeling. wake up. just get out of this victimhood mentality. thats all there is. stop being a victim.
I do not believe respect is not meant to be expected. That conclusion can only come from people who gave up on getting it. For me I have bare min standards for how I want to be treated and I refuse to bend and allow others to step that boundarie. I treat others how I wish to be treated and that makes me not a hypocrite. The golden rule is treat others how you wish to be treated. That was drilled into my head when I was a kid in school and it stuck with me.

If you don't want to be disrespected and walked all over. Don't do it to others. Nothing victim about it.
I do not believe respect is not meant to be expected. That conclusion can only come from people who gave up on getting it. For me I have bare min standards for how I want to be treated and I refuse to bend and allow others to step that boundarie
I get what you mean. I'm not saying to let others walk over you. I'm saying you cant expect anything. Everybody is not going to bend backwards for you. What I am also saying is that since it is inevitable, just dont interact. The golden rule is bs. Idc what was drilled into your head. If someone says something hateful, im not going to reply with hate as well. That is pointless. And don't get walked all over either. Do something about it, walk away, ignore. I'm not saying to sit there like a duck. I'm saying don't expect anything in life. People are born lucky and unlucky. Nothing is always handed on a silver platter, not even respect.
You can't control what others do. What you can control is your response. Walk away. It's that easy.
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I get what you mean. I'm not saying to let others walk over you. I'm saying you cant expect anything. Everybody is not going to bend backwards for you. What I am also saying is that since it is inevitable, just dont interact. The golden rule is bs. Idc what was drilled into your head. If someone says something hateful, im not going to reply with hate as well. That is pointless. And don't get walked all over either. Do something about it, walk away, ignore. I'm not saying to sit there like a duck. I'm saying don't expect anything in life. People are born lucky and unlucky. Nothing is always handed on a silver platter, not even respect.
You can't control what others do. What you can control is your response. Walk away. It's that easy.
Lots of people need guidance clearly. Too many role models are who legitimately shit people who have zero values and also express that through what they do and say. Regardless if you're born into an unlucky situation or not. I will treat you with respect as you do not deserve more pain. The only people who absolutely have to receive pain are the ones who go out of their way to GIVE It. People who kill people *Eliot rodgers* is a great example. Dude deserved every single thing that happend to him because he refused to believe in these values and equally refused to experience humbleness.

He was narcissistic and believed he deserved more than what he had. He ignored women who did approach him and was extremely ungrateful. Sure he experienced alot of rejection but if I'm being honest so did I. Matter fact if I wanted to I could have turned out exactly like him when I was younger. I made a choice and we always have a choice in what we think. Evey day is a choice to do better. Be BETTER. Just because you see the world going to the way of poop doesn't mean you gotta follow the pack. TikTok I see this shit more and more. More and make disrespect. More and more bullying more and more bad people gaining fame and admiration for extremely hollow values that imprint it into the younger population. I see men and even teens thinking they are not good enough or that it's pointless to try. The era of hope was strong in the zyzz day and even though his character was mostly satire he actually was a good role model. He was motivating and had HOPE

Hope is the very essence of what I believe and HOPE is what I live by. We need more hope. Less cope.
Lots of people need guidance clearly. Too many role models are who legitimately shit people who have zero values and also express that through what they do and say. Regardless if you're born into an unlucky situation or not. I will treat you with respect as you do not deserve more pain. The only people who absolutely have to receive pain are the ones who go out of their way to GIVE It. People who kill people *Eliot rodgers* is a great example. Dude deserved every single thing that happend to him because he refused to believe in these values and equally refused to experience humbleness.

He was narcissistic and believed he deserved more than what he had. He ignored women who did approach him and was extremely ungrateful. Sure he experienced alot of rejection but if I'm being honest so did I. Matter fact if I wanted to I could have turned out exactly like him when I was younger. I made a choice and we always have a choice in what we think. Evey day is a choice to do better. Be BETTER. Just because you see the world going to the way of poop doesn't mean you gotta follow the pack. TikTok I see this shit more and more. More and make disrespect. More and more bullying more and more bad people gaining fame and admiration for extremely hollow values that imprint it into the younger population. I see men and even teens thinking they are not good enough or that it's pointless to try. The era of hope was strong in the zyzz day and even though his character was mostly satire he actually was a good role model. He was motivating and had HOPE

Hope is the very essence of what I believe and HOPE is what I live by. We need more hope. Less cope.
ok. not saying that your ideas are bad. however this is very unrealistic and impossible
society is unideal. nothing is perfect. you can never expect it to be. be kind. be respectful. it is your choice. everyone has choices. i cannot control you to think the same way i do the same as you cannot me. humans never deserve anything. nothing. good people die and bad people live and thrive. good people also live and thrive when bad people die. life happens. (unless ofc you are religious)
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ok. not saying that your ideas are bad. however this is very unrealistic and impossible
society is unideal. nothing is perfect. you can never expect it to be. be kind. be respectful. it is your choice. everyone has choices. i cannot control you to think the same way i do the same as you cannot me. humans never deserve anything. nothing. good people die and bad people live and thrive. good people also live and thrive when bad people die. life happens. (unless ofc you are religious)
To say it's unrealistic and therefore is pointless and impossible is invalidate by my personal experience of how it's changed people's lives. Even making a difference in one person's life can make waves to the entire world in general. Instant gratification is the cancer to progress. Just because you believe your a drop in the ocean doesn't mean your ripple didn't influence the wave.

One tiny positive thing you can do, can absolutely make a difference to someone's day. The more your willing to give the more you receive. But that's just how I see things.

Idc if the world's normal is this. I refuse to be a part of the problem.
One tiny positive thing you can do, can absolutely make a difference to someone's day. The more your willing to give the more you receive. But that's just how I see things.
yes. kindness is good. it can and has changed lives. you have every single right to be kind.
but like i said, society is unideal and never will reach perfection. people will be mean and it is not a thing you can change.
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yes. kindness is good. it can and has changed lives. you have every single right to be kind.
but like i said, society is unideal and never will reach perfection. people will be mean and it is not a thing you can change.
Society is improving as a whole before the internet. Murder was the solution to a disagreement. more violence was chosen as a solution to a problem. As Society and the singularity comes closer. So does consciousness and people that believe in the greater good. Sure there is a push back with the evil in the world but good and evil has always been at battle. GOOD will win in the end and thus so will god..
Society is improving as a whole before the internet. Murder was the solution to a disagreement. more violence was chosen as a solution to a problem. As Society and the singularity comes closer. So does consciousness and people that believe in the greater good. Sure there is a push back with the evil in the world but good and evil has always been at battle. GOOD will win in the end and thus so will god..
so.. you believe in a future with a singularity (I am assuming digital concious singularity or just overall identity singularity, where everyone is the same) and also you are religious (not a bad thing)
i understand why you see things the way they are. i will politely disagree. it is very difficult to make an argument with people who have these ideas (especially your combination), so i will not waste my time further.
have a good day 😁
you dont need to "earn" respect if you are attractive
yes and that's what i mean. you can't be respected if you're not attractive or have size. you can only put fear in other people or produce something exceptionally great like nothing else and have strangers respecting you
Society is improving as a whole before the internet. Murder was the solution to a disagreement. more violence was chosen as a solution to a problem. As Society and the singularity comes closer. So does consciousness and people that believe in the greater good. Sure there is a push back with the evil in the world but good and evil has always been at battle. GOOD will win in the end and thus so will god..
I guess taking away the freedom of speech is the way deal with people who speak the truth isn't it?
Keep protecting your ego you stupid single digit IQ cretin
