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Info Long CAG length = throw away your genetics

Buddy Boyo

LGBTQP+ supporter
Top Contributor
Established Member
Jul 24, 2019
Neoples Buttcunt
It means you will be way more prone to cardiovascular Health Problems, bloating, Estrogen convertion, mantits, acne and balding induced by only moderate amounts of testosterone

"Men with longer CAG repeats suffer from all sorts of performance handicaps compared to their short-CAG cohorts. Lengthening of CAG repeats may contribute toward decreased muscle mass, increased body fat, weaker bones, decreased aggressiveness, increased depression, reduced insulin sensitivity, and harm cardiovascular health through elevations in heart rate and blood pressure"

If youre an Long CAG length cuck then even roiding wont save you, it will make Things even more worse for your, even hgh could potentially f**k up your hormonal balance if you have cuck Tier long CAG length

You will have to suffer from low haemoglobin all your life, which means that you will experience a extreme decrease in oxygen at the slightest athletic activities, your heart will race and your blood pressure will rise even at moderate intense Workouts, in the worst case you could even completely pass out

environmental Estrogen exposure to your mothers womb can easily f**k up your androgen receptors for your whole life
I got it boys, it stands for Cytosin-Adenin-Guanin
Ok so what is cag
What are your favorite hiking clothes and gear that have ...
I think i have all of the symptoms above, my blood to heart pressure is only 94 to 50, weak heart (i get fainting QUITE often), bloating, and testosterome unknowingly declined, my nofap days which i don't count become longer. I checked doctor in April and last 2 weeks, and he said i am okay, what's the problem then?

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