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Looks matters and tastes too


New member
Jan 10, 2024
Hi people i was thinking that in a place with such this great community i'll be great ask for movie, music and books recommendations so pls if you know something great say it always there for a good story
Hi people i was thinking that in a place with such this great community i'll be great ask for movie, music and books recommendations so pls if you know something great say it always there for a good story
that's a good idea tbh

it's been a while since I've watched a good movie if anyone has any suggestions
Book(s): I'm reading, for the second time, the novelization of "Terminator" (1984), and I really recommend it, it's not a total copy & paste of the movie, it adds many elements and inner thoughts not present in the film, which makes it a very interesting and deep reading, and the new elements makes you see the story in a different and unique way.
the prince by Machiavelli
beyond good and evil by Nietzche
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1994 - George Orwell
Orange clockwork - Anthony Burgess
Iliad - Homer (not simpson (im not funny i know))
The portrait of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
History of two cities - Charles Dickens
Almond - Won-pyung Sohn
Crime and punishment - Fyodor Dostoevsky

Some recommendations of books that instagram and tiktok has not burned by know but well Kafka and Dostoevsky is good ithink

Know im looking into Nouvelle Vague good movies if i find something ill post
In Hbo app there are good horror movies of 30's and in amazon ROCKY
American History X , a great movie, would reccomend
American History X | Rotten Tomatoes

The Irishman , masterpiece imo
The Irishman (2019) - IMDb

i have some more that i rly liked, i might post more some if you want to
whiplash such an amazing movie

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