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Looksmaxing to get wife is officially DEAD

Dr. Vozcuk [Unblocked]

United Ph.D doctors
Aug 20, 2019
You may be born PSL 10, but remember that you'll never change female mentality, you'll never have decent loving wife, kids, nuclear family... Actuall love that doesn't depend on facial bones, height, and microscopic things like 'muh wrist size bby'.

I've been saying how every single woman is psychopath because of many reasons, apart from impaired empathy, i just cannot proced how someone can have nerve to bond with 50 other guys, tell me how i need to look, and then give me demands... They can't do jack shit instead of fucking and pumping money back into the government, that's what they are created for. (Animals)

This is both bad from evolutionary standpoint (Because many men will be left alone miserable), and from personal standpoint (More sucides, more depression, more mortality).

And you think it's better in Asia? Don't kid yourself; being white there allows you to fuck more, not to find decent loving partner JFL. Your favorite middle-eastern girl is probably sucking abdul's dick rn.. If you are someone who wants long term relationship you will give up on women and cut additional struggle from your life, because let's be real; they are all sluts, aren't they? It's even worse for us who are below 5 PSL, we are ghouls floating in the matrix.


Sex dolls are unfortunately our only 'better' cope, i mean they will fuel tf your sexual crawing


… but that emotional emptiness…

Guess we'll need to teach ourselves the dark triad way (Psychopathy) and religion (Reading bible) (Cause Bible is more accurate than Qran) so we become full aware of how people are screwed in their head, and how we don't want demonized unmoral women in our lives right?


Even if you got to lie yourself, you are meter away from rope with every lie said.. you know..


It's impossible for us, but just for the sake of thread; We can build housewife centers and give women restrictions to go to certain places, learning how to be a 'woman', not letting her choose what she 'feels' is right, and generally preparing both genders for serious relationship, YES EVEN MALES (No cheating, beating wife, bad habits...), cuz that's a must if you want mentioned consequences and one normal relationship.

According to my calculations, it will take 2-3 generations which is more than 100 years, to shift female's mind, and that must be done when everyone started immediately implying moral lifestyle. I'm not gonna be talking why this is impossible because it's obvious, just look around, propaganda everywhere

It's not secret that everything is revolving around women today, every single thing worships them but in a bad manner.. see when you give them too much attention, free hand, options... Because they can't think logical; they choose what they feel is right (Extreme stupidity you'll came across). Superficial things like looks, money, and status.. especially looks.

That's why you have 80/20 rule, false r**e accusations, cold arrogant personality --> If things doesn't work their way, which always won't, because no man on planet can meet with their shit standards, they'll go nut cause they cannot control their stadion-sized ego )... Narcicism in enormous amounts, lol even at your best attempts you cannot be more narcicistic than average woman, this shit is insanity, and of course propaganda is promoting this to women; be princess sweetie, Disney is good for kids, i am fucking moron who suck my dick itself...

... Then you have more bluepilled males who spend years "learning" how to approach females, how to be more confident, more positive (So propaganda continues to wash off their money), and they just feel bad about themselves because they will always get rejected.

Conclusion !?
If i am about to sit down and think if it's worth it, i couldnt think of any possible way to get normal partner (Ded srs, you either need to accept red flags or nothing else). For us, smart guys who are about serious relationship, i couldn't think of anything. Everything i said in thread is concrete evident, just look around... This was one of my biggest blackpill ever to swallow, it couldn't get worse than this right?

Swallow the biggest blackpill before it's too late

Do not copy my thread, i am lurking on all 4 forums, just banned tho
I love my Oneitis, just saying. But I agree.
I've formed oneitis with that girl i liked lately, she was giving me iois, but i wasn't knowing how to came out straightforward (To say i want relationship/sex) and seduce her.

After not that long ago, i saw her with another male kissing her, in mouth.. i aksed her friends; wtf, and they still continued to lie how she likes me (Not knowing what i just saw)

And i just cannot love women after that, i mean this is pure psychopathy, so do i am!? They all need to die, i cannot trust women anymore, because their approach to life is useless, i don't need their love and bs. You can only use them for sex nowadays (And even there you are restricted)!
Trust me, if all sinners were to go to hell, 90% of them would be women.

Women are seriously just so dead inside, because they aren't fully human. I swear the entire "women have the same IQ as men" is some Shekeled fake news.
Women will commit to the most degenerate and demoralizing ways just to get their holes filled by Chad. This is seriously not something to be even appreciated.

I'm just going to HOPE that I get a decently loyal and brainwashed wife by society's norms so that she stays conservative. Because it's brutally over for the west.
This is why arrange marriage maxing is definitely the only thing that saves every curry from trueceldom. And this is what I will do.

Just give up on those dreams of being a Chad and pumping every girl in front of you. Forget about validation.

It's simply over.
You may be born PSL 10, but remember that you'll never change female mentality, you'll never have decent loving wife, kids, nuclear family... Actuall love that doesn't depend on facial bones, height, and microscopic things like 'muh wrist size bby'.

I've been saying how every single woman is psychopath because of many reasons, apart from impaired empathy, i just cannot proced how someone can have nerve to bond with 50 other guys, tell me how i need to look, and then give me demands... They can't do jack shit instead of fucking and pumping money back into the government, that's what they are created for. (Animals)

This is both bad from evolutionary standpoint (Because many men will be left alone miserable), and from personal standpoint (More sucides, more depression, more mortality).

And you think it's better in Asia? Don't kid yourself; being white there allows you to fuck more, not to find decent loving partner JFL. Your favorite middle-eastern girl is probably sucking abdul's dick rn.. If you are someone who wants long term relationship you will give up on women and cut additional struggle from your life, because let's be real; they are all sluts, aren't they? It's even worse for us who are below 5 PSL, we are ghouls floating in the matrix.


Sex dolls are unfortunately our only 'better' cope, i mean they will fuel tf your sexual crawing

View attachment 8169

… but that emotional emptiness…

Guess we'll need to teach ourselves the dark triad way (Psychopathy) and religion (Reading bible) (Cause Bible is more accurate than Qran) so we become full aware of how people are screwed in their head, and how we don't want demonized unmoral women in our lives right?

Even if you got to lie yourself, you are meter away from rope with every lie said.. you know..

It's impossible for us, but just for the sake of thread; We can build housewife centers and give women restrictions to go to certain places, learning how to be a 'woman', not letting her choose what she 'feels' is right, and generally preparing both genders for serious relationship, YES EVEN MALES (No cheating, beating wife, bad habits...), cuz that's a must if you want mentioned consequences and one normal relationship.

According to my calculations, it will take 2-3 generations which is more than 100 years, to shift female's mind, and that must be done when everyone started immediately implying moral lifestyle. I'm not gonna be talking why this is impossible because it's obvious, just look around, propaganda everywhere

It's not secret that everything is revolving around women today, every single thing worships them but in a bad manner.. see when you give them too much attention, free hand, options... Because they can't think logical; they choose what they feel is right (Extreme stupidity you'll came across). Superficial things like looks, money, and status.. especially looks.

That's why you have 80/20 rule, false r**e accusations, cold arrogant personality --> If things doesn't work their way, which always won't, because no man on planet can meet with their shit standards, they'll go nut cause they cannot control their stadion-sized ego )... Narcicism in enormous amounts, lol even at your best attempts you cannot be more narcicistic than average woman, this shit is insanity, and of course propaganda is promoting this to women; be princess sweetie, Disney is good for kids, i am fucking moron who suck my dick itself...

... Then you have more bluepilled males who spend years "learning" how to approach females, how to be more confident, more positive (So propaganda continues to wash off their money), and they just feel bad about themselves because they will always get rejected.

Conclusion !?
If i am about to sit down and think if it's worth it, i couldnt think of any possible way to get normal partner (Ded srs, you either need to accept red flags or nothing else). For us, smart guys who are about serious relationship, i couldn't think of anything. Everything i said in thread is concrete evident, just look around... This was one of my biggest blackpill ever to swallow, it couldn't get worse than this right?

Swallow the biggest blackpill before it's too late

Do not copy my thread, i am lurking on all 4 forums, just banned tho
Trust me, if all sinners were to go to hell, 90% of them would be women.

Women are seriously just so dead inside, because they aren't fully human. I swear the entire "women have the same IQ as men" is some Shekeled fake news.
Women will commit to the most degenerate and demoralizing ways just to get their holes filled by Chad. This is seriously not something to be even appreciated.

I'm just going to HOPE that I get a decently loyal and brainwashed wife by society's norms so that she stays conservative. Because it's brutally over for the west.
This is why arrange marriage maxing is definitely the only thing that saves every curry from trueceldom. And this is what I will do.

Just give up on those dreams of being a Chad and pumping every girl in front of you. Forget about validation.

It's simply over.
Bible was all right, and no human can relate to it's contest, read my thread till end, even moving to another country won't help, there's just one way you can get wife through being moral kind citizen, but talking about this in looksmax forum is pointless, pm me