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Looksmaxxing tips (female)

I can only rate u with makeup so i rate u 6.5 out 10 in the pic above also without makeup it will be lower
Bro im losing respect for u by the minute. Every day with you bro. Just stop believing in such stupid ideals. If its “a girl” it has to work like one. Idc who u are. If ur trans and have ur cock why tf do u still have it. Its the one thing that MEANS ur a dude. No man will ever love u i hope uk that. Also you two need to get ur freaky asses off the forum or start acting like u f*****g belong here. Fix urself and your weak ass philosophies
u have viking genetics so ur opinion does not matter
from taking in the children after raping other phenos? Still better than being a full subhuman
from taking in the children after raping other phenos? Still better than being a full subhuman
The whole point is to spread superiority bruh(and show who has the strongest dna) wouldnt have happened if we werent superior
The whole point is to spread superiority bruh(and show who has the strongest dna) wouldnt have happened if we werent superior
Also im joking slightly abt the superior thing im just making a point abt how strong my dna is
