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Discussion Mewing: A Temporary Solution


New member
Oct 19, 2023
Hey looksmaxxers,

I wanted to dive into a discussion about the effectiveness of mewing and its long-term impact on facial appearance. It's a hot topic in our community, and I've been exploring some arguments that suggest mewing might not be as effective as some claim.

While mewing proponents argue that it can shape your face in the right way, there's an essential point to consider - its temporary nature. Some users have reported that the changes achieved through mewing last for a brief period, around 3 hours or so. Once the facial muscles and tongue relax, the face tends to revert to its original state. This can be disheartening for those who are looking for lasting results.

Moreover, there are concerns about potential damage to the tongue muscle due to the prolonged stress applied during mewing. It's essential to prioritize our oral health and well-being while pursuing facial enhancements.

So, where does this leave us? Well, I'm inclined to agree with the idea that if you're looking for noticeable and permanent results, plastic surgery might be a more reliable option.

What do you all think? Let's have a respectful and informative discussion on this topic. Share your experiences, insights, and opinions on mewing and plastic surgery for facial transformation.
Hey looksmaxxers,

I wanted to dive into a discussion about the effectiveness of mewing and its long-term impact on facial appearance. It's a hot topic in our community, and I've been exploring some arguments that suggest mewing might not be as effective as some claim.

While mewing proponents argue that it can shape your face in the right way, there's an essential point to consider - its temporary nature. Some users have reported that the changes achieved through mewing last for a brief period, around 3 hours or so. Once the facial muscles and tongue relax, the face tends to revert to its original state. This can be disheartening for those who are looking for lasting results.

Moreover, there are concerns about potential damage to the tongue muscle due to the prolonged stress applied during mewing. It's essential to prioritize our oral health and well-being while pursuing facial enhancements.

So, where does this leave us? Well, I'm inclined to agree with the idea that if you're looking for noticeable and permanent results, plastic surgery might be a more reliable option.

What do you all think? Let's have a respectful and informative discussion on this topic. Share your experiences, insights, and opinions on mewing and plastic surgery for facial transformation.
i do agree but its literally basic tongue everyone should do it, its better if you do it than not doing. also it works you just have to do it at a young age. very good thread though
Hey looksmaxxers,

I wanted to dive into a discussion about the effectiveness of mewing and its long-term impact on facial appearance. It's a hot topic in our community, and I've been exploring some arguments that suggest mewing might not be as effective as some claim.

While mewing proponents argue that it can shape your face in the right way, there's an essential point to consider - its temporary nature. Some users have reported that the changes achieved through mewing last for a brief period, around 3 hours or so. Once the facial muscles and tongue relax, the face tends to revert to its original state. This can be disheartening for those who are looking for lasting results.

Moreover, there are concerns about potential damage to the tongue muscle due to the prolonged stress applied during mewing. It's essential to prioritize our oral health and well-being while pursuing facial enhancements.

So, where does this leave us? Well, I'm inclined to agree with the idea that if you're looking for noticeable and permanent results, plastic surgery might be a more reliable option.

What do you all think? Let's have a respectful and informative discussion on this topic. Share your experiences, insights, and opinions on mewing and plastic surgery for facial transformation.
mewing is about putting your tongue in its natural place ,and it should be effortless
Hey looksmaxxers,

I wanted to dive into a discussion about the effectiveness of mewing and its long-term impact on facial appearance. It's a hot topic in our community, and I've been exploring some arguments that suggest mewing might not be as effective as some claim.

While mewing proponents argue that it can shape your face in the right way, there's an essential point to consider - its temporary nature. Some users have reported that the changes achieved through mewing last for a brief period, around 3 hours or so. Once the facial muscles and tongue relax, the face tends to revert to its original state. This can be disheartening for those who are looking for lasting results.

Moreover, there are concerns about potential damage to the tongue muscle due to the prolonged stress applied during mewing. It's essential to prioritize our oral health and well-being while pursuing facial enhancements.

So, where does this leave us? Well, I'm inclined to agree with the idea that if you're looking for noticeable and permanent results, plastic surgery might be a more reliable option.

What do you all think? Let's have a respectful and informative discussion on this topic. Share your experiences, insights, and opinions on mewing and plastic surgery for facial transformation.
agreed, mewing is mostly the tongue in it's. natural place, many people have it from birth, but it should make any problem, cause is mostly a natural process

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