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More upper eyelid exposure for neutral to positive canthal tilt and more symmetrical eyes? GTFIH!


New member
Aug 23, 2023
Hey boys. I did a consultation with a surgeon here in Sweden. My main issue is that my eyelids are symmetrical, one shows a bit of upper eyelid, where as the other one shows a bit less. I have always wanted my eyes to look more symmetrical. On top of that one of the eyes has NCT, where as the other one is kind of on the edge of nct/neutral.

The surgeon I spoke to has a lot of experience, on top of that, their clinic has 4.7+ rating, basically everywhere. The guy graduated as a doctor already in 2005 and since 2015 has specifically been working within plastic surgery with eyes. The place I am going to, it's one of those whch is a plastic surgery place, but for eyes only. So I am pretty certain that they know their shit. Also they have done thousands of surgeries and only seem to have positive reviews.

My worry is the following. When I went in there. My idea was that they would fix the NCT and on top of that make both eyes symmetrical, by making the one with more upper eyelid exposure have less, to sort of make it symmetrical with the other eye. According to him, that should not be done. Instead a little bit more upper eyelid exposure should be done to both eyes, in order to make them symmetrical with eachother. His plan, and what he usually does for surgeries like mine. On each eye he basically does everything in a line. He goes from the right side of the eye, fixes the symmetry and then goes all the way out to the canthal tilt where he then raises it.

So my question is the following: If it means that your eyes become more symmetrical and you even get neutral or positive canthal tilt. Is that worth it, if it means that you get a little bit more upper eyelid exposure?
