we already know that gymcelling cant fix a bad Frame and a short height
but there are users who still post examples of roid and gymmaxxed framecels like that recent Video where frank Yang goes through thailand
Take a look at him

It's a typical look of dry high haemoglobin muscle mass, something your average gymcel wont get even after countless years of natty Training
his muscle insertions are also godlike, a average guy doesnt even nearly have such symmetrical insertions, his delt, chest and ab insertions are top tier
he's one out of thousand if not millions who have such insertions
also his Skin is naturally very tight/firm and adapted to his muscles, the ability to get such a strong core Definition totally depends on your genetics, the contour and Tension of his abdominal tendons is WAY ABOVE AVERAGE TIER
This is how a gymcelled/roidcelled average guy Looks:
as you can see, no over the top capped delts and arms and Ultra chiseled strong core insertions

Most guys here totally overestimate their gymcel potential
Most of you guy WILL NEVER look like your Fitness Idols etc. because your muscle insertions are dogshit
also the Consistency of your muscle determine how buff and ripped you will look
incels usually have high slow twitch low fast twitch Fiber muscles along with a General low muscle Tonus and low haemoglobin in their muscle and lots of glycogen and sarcoplasmic fluid due to lesser dense androgen receptor Density and higher Estrogen receptor density
how ripped you look has not only to do something with your bodyfat percentage
alphadestiny is a prime example of someone with a extreme amount of sarcoplasmic bloated muscle mass with lots of glycogen and water and almost No haemoglobin or myofibrillar muscle density
his bodyfat is quite low, but he still Looks bloated as fuck, even if he would take extreme roids such as tren and winstrol, he would not look any much better because his genetics Arent simply made to hold a significant amount of useful athletic muscle mass

while this here is a perfect example of myofribrillar hypertrophied high fast twitch Fiber and high haemoglobin muscle mass

a high fast twitch amount doesnt mean that you're more explosve but it also means that your muscles are more capable of using glycogen and Glucose as fuel which again results in more dense and more ripped Looking muscles, the haemoglobin amount in their muscles is also higher which allows them to contract faster and more dense plus making the muscle more harder and fuller even if they are unflexed
slow twitch fibers again are more prone to store glycogen which makes them more bloated and less dense
These 2 Sprinters have a higher bodyfat than you think (since sprinting isnt About burning much fat anyways) but they look way more harder, dry and ripped because of their muscle Consistency
the sad Thing is that you cannot really much Change to haemoglobin to glycogen Ratio in your muscles or the General fast twitch to slow twitch Ratio
You can also not Change your muscle insertions
These Things are dependend on your genetics and also your prenatal Hormone exposure and the androgenic tendencies of your parents
gymcelling for looksmaxxing is only possible for a small amount of the world population
but there are users who still post examples of roid and gymmaxxed framecels like that recent Video where frank Yang goes through thailand
Take a look at him

It's a typical look of dry high haemoglobin muscle mass, something your average gymcel wont get even after countless years of natty Training
his muscle insertions are also godlike, a average guy doesnt even nearly have such symmetrical insertions, his delt, chest and ab insertions are top tier
he's one out of thousand if not millions who have such insertions
also his Skin is naturally very tight/firm and adapted to his muscles, the ability to get such a strong core Definition totally depends on your genetics, the contour and Tension of his abdominal tendons is WAY ABOVE AVERAGE TIER
This is how a gymcelled/roidcelled average guy Looks:
as you can see, no over the top capped delts and arms and Ultra chiseled strong core insertions

Most guys here totally overestimate their gymcel potential
Most of you guy WILL NEVER look like your Fitness Idols etc. because your muscle insertions are dogshit
also the Consistency of your muscle determine how buff and ripped you will look
incels usually have high slow twitch low fast twitch Fiber muscles along with a General low muscle Tonus and low haemoglobin in their muscle and lots of glycogen and sarcoplasmic fluid due to lesser dense androgen receptor Density and higher Estrogen receptor density
how ripped you look has not only to do something with your bodyfat percentage
alphadestiny is a prime example of someone with a extreme amount of sarcoplasmic bloated muscle mass with lots of glycogen and water and almost No haemoglobin or myofibrillar muscle density
his bodyfat is quite low, but he still Looks bloated as fuck, even if he would take extreme roids such as tren and winstrol, he would not look any much better because his genetics Arent simply made to hold a significant amount of useful athletic muscle mass

while this here is a perfect example of myofribrillar hypertrophied high fast twitch Fiber and high haemoglobin muscle mass

a high fast twitch amount doesnt mean that you're more explosve but it also means that your muscles are more capable of using glycogen and Glucose as fuel which again results in more dense and more ripped Looking muscles, the haemoglobin amount in their muscles is also higher which allows them to contract faster and more dense plus making the muscle more harder and fuller even if they are unflexed
slow twitch fibers again are more prone to store glycogen which makes them more bloated and less dense
These 2 Sprinters have a higher bodyfat than you think (since sprinting isnt About burning much fat anyways) but they look way more harder, dry and ripped because of their muscle Consistency
the sad Thing is that you cannot really much Change to haemoglobin to glycogen Ratio in your muscles or the General fast twitch to slow twitch Ratio
You can also not Change your muscle insertions
These Things are dependend on your genetics and also your prenatal Hormone exposure and the androgenic tendencies of your parents
gymcelling for looksmaxxing is only possible for a small amount of the world population