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Discussion Motivation?


more loans more bones
Jun 21, 2024
Just need some motivation to continue with workouts and literally banded sleeping, this shit is genuinely hard and it hurts my knees so much @quepasta, I tried it for 2 nights literally the pain is so unbeareable it feels like a mini LL lol.
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  • #3
Just need some motivation to continue with workouts and literally banded sleeping, this shit is genuinely hard and it hurts my knees so much @quepasta, I tried it for 2 nights literally the pain is so unbeareable it feels like a mini LL lol.
I alos just dont wanna lose out on the lucky times I can actually have open plates and do this.
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  • #5
Just need some motivation to continue with workouts and literally banded sleeping, this shit is genuinely hard and it hurts my knees so much @quepasta, I tried it for 2 nights literally the pain is so unbeareable it feels like a mini LL lol.
i may had grown 1,5 cm thanks to that. But i passed 10 hours almost everday with it for 1-2 months
ignoring current comfort for big future rewards is worth it, discipline is a reflection of your character and will reap good rewards
the current pain might suck, but what sucks more is 10 years from now you will be disappointed in yourself and be an incel, watching other people do better than you

i mean if the pain is really bad you can reduce the stuff you do, like stretchier bands or less intense and frequent workouts
wouldnt you also want bone microfracture recovery?
how many pounds of resistance are you using? I experience a stretching sensation in my lower back and knees, but it’s never painful.
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  • #9
how many pounds of resistance are you using? I experience a stretching sensation in my lower back and knees, but it’s never painful.
Mine it's pulling straight down to my bed frame is that a bed setup or should it just be pulled straight forward to my ac or whatever, for refrence I'm using LEEKEY Resistance band 85 lbs fully stretched out and it's displaced over both my legs.
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  • #10
how many pounds of resistance are you using? I experience a stretching sensation in my lower back and knees, but it’s never painful.
You dont feel aything in your plates or anything? I get like a lot of pain in my lower epiphysial of my femur and upper in my tibia.
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  • #11
i may had grown 1,5 cm thanks to that. But i passed 10 hours almost everday with it for 1-2 months
Damn dude, should I use it when I'm on my laptop too or try to get as much time with it?
Don't waste time with that banded sleeping bs it doesn't work and you're suffering for nothing
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  • #13
Don't waste time with that banded sleeping bs it doesn't work and you're suffering for nothing
In what way does it not work? I use to think it was negligible too, check my other thread on it, theres some science behind it, it's not just a cope pseudo method.
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  • #15
Don't waste time with that banded sleeping bs it doesn't work and you're suffering for nothing
If you're talking about microfracturing and banded sleeping then yea that shit is cope due to cortical bone being too strong, but since this is based on Heuter Volkmann's laws regarding epiphysial plates it's a valid concept since tension promotes longitudinal
growth at least when you have open plates.
If you're talking about microfracturing and banded sleeping then yea that shit is cope due to cortical bone being too strong, but since this is based on Heuter Volkmann's laws regarding epiphysial plates it's a valid concept since tension promotes longitudinal
growth at least when you have open plates.
If any of this shit worked you would hear about it in places other than curries from Quora and a shitty knockoff version of .org
Mine it's pulling straight down to my bed frame is that a bed setup or should it just be pulled straight forward to my ac or whatever, for refrence I'm using LEEKEY Resistance band 85 lbs fully stretched out and it's displaced over both my legs.
I have it pulling straight, I pushed a nightstand centered by the foot of my bed, and looped the resistance band around
You dont feel aything in your plates or anything? I get like a lot of pain in my lower epiphysial of my femur and upper in my tibia.
yeah that’s what I meant by knees, I should have specified

I feel it more in the upper epiphysial of the tibia, but to some extent in the lower femur as well
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  • #22
If any of this shit worked you would hear about it in places other than curries from Quora and a shitty knockoff version of .org
Thing is that most people dont do this in puberty or when plates are open and so the only thing that banded sleeping does is decompress cartilage and your spine. Also anecdotal examples has no correlation here either. Any methods during puberty is a pretty murky topic as most people who involve themself in these methods are generally over 17-18. You could say the same shit for stem cell and genetic therapy when you and i know that no 14-15 year old is genuinely doing intra-articular shots of BMP-7.
Thing is that most people dont do this in puberty or when plates are open and so the only thing that banded sleeping does is decompress cartilage and your spine. Also anecdotal examples has no correlation here either. Any methods during puberty is a pretty murky topic as most people who involve themself in these methods are generally over 17-18. You could say the same shit for stem cell and genetic therapy when you and i know that no 14-15 year old is genuinely doing intra-articular shots of BMP-7.
All cope if your plates are open and you're doing anything other than blasting AI + hgh + peptides it's actually over for your IQ.
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  • #25
All cope if your plates are open and you're doing anything other than blasting AI + hgh + peptides it's actually over for your IQ.
Dude ai and hgh + peptides wont even grant more than 2 inches to your genetic limit of height + gene and stem cell therapy is superior to those compounds. Idk if you're trolling or anything, but org is a better place for you if you're just gonna do this shit man.
Dude ai and hgh + peptides wont even grant more than 2 inches to your genetic limit of height + gene and stem cell therapy is superior to those compounds. Idk if you're trolling or anything, but org is a better place for you if you're just gonna do this shit man.
Yeah and "banded sleeping" is gonna give you more than 2 inches
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  • #28
Yeah and "banded sleeping" is gonna give you more than 2 inches
Torsional based loading over 5-10 years can yield 1.5-2 inches of height increase based on genetics. Including banded sleeping it can add another 1.5- 2 cm. Sure hgh + ai can help, like in my other threads these are things in whihc you can do to maximize height whilst having open plates. It's not like I'm against hgh and or asin.
If any of this shit worked you would hear about it in places other than curries from Quora and a shitty knockoff version of .org
Heuter Volkmann's says that compressive forces unable the bone to grow, and since bodybuilder and others athletes are doing compressive forces, the growth don't happen to then.

That's the theory
no such thing

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