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Info muh estrogen muh


Ϫ Kaiser Ϫ
Sep 22, 2023
Ancient Carthage
Order of Nihil

for the first time since almost a decade i felt powerful again, i did some simple bicycling and i felt how my Body and especially my legs became warm, circulated and smooth, i felt how it's like to have a high T high haemoglobin blood stream, of Course i still have a natural high pulse and some Stamina Problems, but i was able to breath again fully and clearly, ive felt the air in my pores, my Body temparature rised a bit but in a nice way, i felt awake.

The last time ive felt like that was when i was 7-10 years old, back then i had the same Feeling after ive ran several times around the Football field

I can now understand why the big pharma in western countries doesnt want to give male Hormones to male patients

if you're an untreated low T men you're submissive and sleepy, you have Zero Stamina which is ideal for our medical System because with it you gonna waste a lot of Money in worthless supps and meds, you will get sick more likely which again means more profit

JFL at telling men with 300ng/dl to "Fix their diet" or to do "Special exercises", NO DIET OR EXERCISE will ever give you an optimal haemoglobin and Nitrogen storage in your muscles, your muscles will hurt and cramp like shit, robbing every single bit of oxygen if you dont receive any hormones

It's a disgusting hypocritical lie from the Fitness Industry, a womans anemia might be treated with a diet Change, but as a true low Tcel it isnt possible to get a significant Performance and hormonal Change through a few grams more Protein or fat

:soy: But no Forget what ive said, stay away from These toxic male hormones, trans People Need it way more than you anyways you toxic masculine heteronormative misogynist, male hormones gives you cancer and strokes!!!!

Take some Estrogen injections instead, they are good for your Health, you will have no more a Aggression Problems and you will feel more calmly and less jealous while your wife gets nailed by other men

Now hurry up! The first one who injects Estrogen gets to the drink the last soylent with tyrones cum Drops!

soy boyo.jpg

response to @sexlesstosexles

for the first time since almost a decade i felt powerful again, i did some simple bicycling and i felt how my Body and especially my legs became warm, circulated and smooth, i felt how it's like to have a high T high haemoglobin blood stream, of Course i still have a natural high pulse and some Stamina Problems, but i was able to breath again fully and clearly, ive felt the air in my pores, my Body temparature rised a bit but in a nice way, i felt awake.

The last time ive felt like that was when i was 7-10 years old, back then i had the same Feeling after ive ran several times around the Football field

I can now understand why the big pharma in western countries doesnt want to give male Hormones to male patients

if you're an untreated low T men you're submissive and sleepy, you have Zero Stamina which is ideal for our medical System because with it you gonna waste a lot of Money in worthless supps and meds, you will get sick more likely which again means more profit

JFL at telling men with 300ng/dl to "Fix their diet" or to do "Special exercises", NO DIET OR EXERCISE will ever give you an optimal haemoglobin and Nitrogen storage in your muscles, your muscles will hurt and cramp like shit, robbing every single bit of oxygen if you dont receive any hormones

It's a disgusting hypocritical lie from the Fitness Industry, a womans anemia might be treated with a diet Change, but as a true low Tcel it isnt possible to get a significant Performance and hormonal Change through a few grams more Protein or fat

:soy: But no Forget what ive said, stay away from These toxic male hormones, trans People Need it way more than you anyways you toxic masculine heteronormative misogynist, male hormones gives you cancer and strokes!!!!

Take some Estrogen injections instead, they are good for your Health, you will have no more a Aggression Problems and you will feel more calmly and less jealous while your wife gets nailed by other men

Now hurry up! The first one who injects Estrogen gets to the drink the last soylent with tyrones cum Drops!

soy boyo.jpg

response to @sexlesstosexles
we need more femboys so i agree with estrogen encouragement. also decreases competition if they all turn gay
but yeah if youre tryning to be healthy and actually feel alive and not rotten, T is the way

for the first time since almost a decade i felt powerful again, i did some simple bicycling and i felt how my Body and especially my legs became warm, circulated and smooth, i felt how it's like to have a high T high haemoglobin blood stream, of Course i still have a natural high pulse and some Stamina Problems, but i was able to breath again fully and clearly, ive felt the air in my pores, my Body temparature rised a bit but in a nice way, i felt awake.
women feel the same way as this.

thus it doesn't disprove my "masculinity is an intestinal parasite" theory
an example of a male that doesn't have masculinity, but isn't a soycuck, would be bob ross

he did die of cancer but it was mainly from industrial paints, if not for the paints he would have probably outlived most people
we need more femboys so i agree with estrogen encouragement. also decreases competition if they all turn gay
but yeah if youre tryning to be healthy and actually feel alive and not rotten, T is the way
there has to be a way to have femboys that are healthy, otherwise women who exercise would be uglier than women who don't exercise
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what is your explanation why women feel the same way as you do from exercise?

why are you making exercise a gender specific thing
WOMEN FEEL GOOD because exercise is good to the cardiovascular system and release hormones like dopamine which makes us happy

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