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My Ascension Plan, For real! (Biggest thread this forum has seen in weeks, GTFIH)

Mirin hard bro. With this much effort you should expect quite a bit. I wish you great luck with your plan man. Not many users here even have half the plan you do to ascend.
thanks bro
ngr thinks he's growing >3 inches at 16, jk but lofty goal and it might be achievable, thing though is that it's not a thing you work for or anything it's luck if you even respond to the compounds and even grow
am actually 15 turning 16 in april, but 3 inches is def possible wym?
*I initially made this regarding what I was personally gonna do, but I realised alot
of other guys on this forum can use this advice to their advantage like @ratedLTN2, @AJis18,
and some others. Feel free to ask questions about anything*

*For me personally, ascension plan begins at around the beginning of summer when
I have enoughmoney stacked to be able to just buy everything and start everything synergically,
probably the longest thread this forum as seen in months, lets begin!*

Thread Music:

My Ascension Plan

Current Stats:

Current (16)
Current (16)
Goal (18/19)
Mid/High MTN
Low-Mid HTN
5.5 In
7 In
16/17% Body fat, Small with a bit of muscle
12% body fat, a decent amount of muscle


Section 1: Face (4 sub-sections)
Section 2: Height (2 sub-sections)
Section 3: Dick (2 sub-sections)
Section 4: Diet & Gymceling (2 sub sections)

Section 5: Social Life/NT Maxxing (2 sub-sections)
Section 6: IQ Maxxing & Knowledge (2 sub-section)

Section 1: Face (4 sub-sections)
1/4: Coloring

My Current Coloring:
View attachment 71629View attachment 71632

Desired Coloring:
View attachment 71633

Am gonna work towards whitening my skin to pass as a Mediterranean (Spanish/Portuguese) and achieve the skin on the right
even though am already Mediterranean by being Moroccan smh. Keep in mind Ive been living in Morocco for the last 5 months,
which resulted in my skin being a lot darker (97 degrees on Christmas day lmfao), non the less this will be accomplished with the
following skin care routine:
Hydroquinone 4%
Tretinoin 0.025%
Monobenzone 20%

Vitamin C - 3000mg daily (1500mg x2)

Sun Screen - non toxic sunscreen that wont fuck up my hormonal profile while ensuring am blocking uv rays.

The routine/plan that I will be following:

MorningHydroquinone 4%
Vitamin C 3000mg
Hydroquinone 4%
Vitamin C 3000mg
Hydroquinone 4%
Vitamin C 3000mg
Hydroquinone 4%
Vitamin C 3000mg
Hydroquinone 4%
Vitamin C 3000mg
Hydroquinone 4%
Vitamin C 3000mg
Hydroquinone 4%
Vitamin C 3000mg
NightTretonoin 0.05% Monobenzone 20%Tretonoin 0.05%Tretonoin 0.05% Monobenzone 20%Tretonoin 0.05%Tretonoin 0.05% Monobenzone 20%Tretonoin 0.05%Tretonoin 0.05%

Eye Color:
My broke ass does NOT have the funds to get Stroma or Iris Implants smh, so for now I will just be frauding with these green
eye contacts to achieve that exotic Nafri/Mediterranean halo, along with this contact kit so I don't go fucking blind lmfao:
Green Contacts
Contacts Kit

How will I make this into a long term solution? idfk I will figure it out tho.

The easiest part to max out in your eye area, just some minoxidil and some very basic grooming will achieve this. As
of now, am just gonna maintain the current shape of my eye brow and make it look more sharper and less crusty, as well as
curling my lashes and mascara maxxing for my eye lashes. Dont really feel like Minoxidl will be needed here, as my brows/lashes
are already naturally long and full. Clear Mascara Will be used cus This Thread convinced me of it.

Brow Grooming
Lash Curler
Clear Mascara

Results am praying for in terms of coloring:

View attachment 71552View attachment 71553

2/4: Bone Structure

Other than the craniofacial development plan i will talk about in a second, I will be injecting HGH, and IGF-1 LR3 along
with Aromasin, but that will mainly be spoken about in the Height section. But Growth Hormone and IGF-1 WILL have a
significant impact on the development of my skull, It doesnt take a rocket scientist to understand this.

However, I will in fact be taking some compounds and roids that I hope will give at least noticeable craniofacial bone
gains. Mainly test, anabolic orals, etc. My roiding routine (one months on, one month off + nolvadex for pct):

Testosterone Propionate 20mg
Anavar 20mg
Proviron 25mg
HCG 200 IU
Testosterone Propionate 20mg
Anavar 20mg
Proviron 25mg
Testosterone Propionate 20mg
Anavar 20mg
Proviron 25mg
HCG 200 IU
Testosterone Propionate 20mg
Anavar 20mg
Proviron 25mg
Testosterone Propionate 20mg
Anavar 20mg
Proviron 25mg
HCG 200 IU
Testosterone Propionate 20mg
Anavar 20mg
Proviron 25mg
Testosterone Propionate 20mg
Anavar 20mg
Proviron 25mg

Here is my second craniofacial protocol. It mainly consists of applying forces to the bones of my skull (Zygos, Cheekbones,
Mandible, Ramus, etc) through chewing, bone smashing, and other practices with the following tools.

A routine designed specifically for this:

Morning (Wake Up)Zygo Push 4x1min Thumb pull 4x1minZygo Push 4x1min Thumb pull 4x1minZygo Push 4x1min Thumb pull 4x1minZygo Push 4x1min Thumb pull 4x1minZygo Push 4x1min Thumb pull 4x1minZygo Push 4x1min Thumb pull 4x1minOFF
Mid-DayChewing Routine: Incisors 15 mins Premolars 30 mins Molars 15 minsChewing Routine: Incisors 15 mins Premolars 30 mins Molars 15 minsChewing Routine: Incisors 15 mins Premolars 30 mins Molars 15 minsChewing Routine: Incisors 15 mins Premolars 30 mins Molars 15 minsChewing Routine: Incisors 15 mins Premolars 30 mins Molars 15 minsChewing Routine: Incisors 15 mins Premolars 30 mins Molars 15 minsOFF
Night (Before Bed)Zygo Push 4x1min Thumb pull 4x1minBonesmashing: 100x2 hits Zygos 200 hits Chin 100x2 hits CheeksZygo Push 4x1min Thumb pull 4x1minBonesmashing: 100x2 hits Zygos 200 hits Chin 100x2 hits CheeksZygo Push 4x1min Thumb pull 4x1minBonesmashing: 100x2 hits Zygos 200 hits Chin 100x2 hits CheeksOFF

Cope? probably, but always worth trying than not, ROI is good

3/4: Lean & Debloated

Nothing else matters if I am not at least 12% body fat. Running HGH + IGF1 LR3 along with thyroids is already great for leaning
out as well as a 300 calorie deficit. Once I am at 12% I will maintain and try to lean bulk by gaining muscle mass while being at the
same body fat percentage (recomposition).

But to be honest being a natural coper and not abusing modern medicine would be a cope move so I will hop on Semaglutide
(An insane appetite suppressant) to lean out by running like 1-3mg weekly? Gonna do more research on it. Because when leaning out,
its always infinitely better to suppress your appetite rather than looking for a direct fat burner, less side effects, better results, mogs.


Now for Bloating, again, you can still be very lean but have a bloated roid face if your electrolyte ratios aren't in check.

Bloated Larry wheels vs Debloated Chico Lachowski

View attachment 71569View attachment 71570

As for my bloating, am not gonna be running the good ole 4:1 Potassium to Sodium ratio which will only end up creating
a potassium resistance and bloat you in the long term. Inspired by these Pnuemo threads

I decided to cycle my sodium intake weekly as such (will be a fucking pain in the ass but whatever):

Potassium Intake5000mg5000mg5000mg5000mg5000mg3000mg1000mg
Sodium Intake2000mg2000mg2000mg2000mg2000mg1000mg500mg
Water Intake4L4L4L4L4L2L1L

Sodium intake doesn't really matter, probably just through every day foods = iodized salt. As for potassium, am not eating
fucking 12 bananas daily smh, Potassium citrate + furosemide occasionally honestly should come clutch to debloat + 4 Liter of water
daily, for obvious reasons, but am very worried because I will also be drinking like 1.5 liters of raw milk for calcium + health, RIP my
intestines but whatever ill figure it out.
4L Water Bottle

4/4: Softmaxxes & Miscellaneous

If you haven't been able to tell already, I have curly hair. A basic shampoo to rid my shit of dandruff and a leave in
conditioner to maintain the curls throughout the day is perfect. Nothing more to add
Cantu Leave in Conditioner
Need to find a hair shampoo

Optimized for hormonal profile and teeth whitening. I will be using PYX SF toothpaste as its strong enough for significant
tooth whitening without fucking up your thyroid like most toothpastes cus it doesnt have fluoride, and thyroids are crucial
to your facial development.

But the real difference maker here will be Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) once every few months when feel the need to Re-Whiten my
teeth once again. Will it harm my teeth over time? I honestly dont know, but am cooler than everybody else + am looksmaxxing
so who even cares. This is a operation-tier procedure which will need like actual lights and shit, but it isnt anything too crazy. Read
this thread by Pnuemo if your interested enough

Tongue Scraping Kit
Also need to find H2O2 gel with a concentration of 45% at least
gingival barrier so I dont die of the pain
mouth openers
on-stand rotatable mirror

Section 2: Height (2 sub-sections)

1/2: Height Maxxing

Now for heightmaxxing, we wont be running with any cope methods like Masaai jumps or sprints + 1 glass of milk daily lmao, we
will be abusing real hard compounds and peptides to optimize my height. Specifically, HGH, IGF-1 LR3, and Aromasin. Very simple, very
effective stack for not only height, but craniofacial development, fat burning/muscle building, athletic performance, etc.

The HGH is obvious for height + craniofacial growth, I chose IGF-1 LR3 over DES because its more localized and has a 12 hour half life
compared to DES with 30 fucking minutes JFL, and LR3 is more optimal for bone growth, and Aromasin in order to prevent
testosterone from converting to estrogen which will close my plates faster, thus extending the period of growth I have for puberty.
I will be running these for 3 months on, 1 month off, repeat with a few weeks tapering up & down in between, Here are the daily dosages:

Morning (Wake Up)3 IU HGH
IGF-1 50mcg
IGF-1 50mcg
IGF-1 50mcg
IGF-1 50mcg
IGF-1 50mcg
IGF-1 50mcg
IGF-1 50mcg
Night (Before Bed)3 IU HGH
IGF-1 50mcg Aromasin 12mg
IGF-1 50mcg
IGF-1 50mcg Aromasin 12mg
IGF-1 50mcg
2.5 IU HGH
IGF-1 50mcg
IGF-1 50mcg Aromasin 12mg
2.5 IU HGH
IGF-1 50mcg

Some supportive orals aswell that will be taken daily:
Glucosamine+Chondotrine - 1200mg + 1500mg daily
Berberine - 500mgx2 daily
Vitamin K2 - 15mg daily
T3 - 50mcg daily
T4 - 100mcg daily

Will this reach me from 5'10 to 6'1? Who knows, but its worth trying 100%. Besides, squeezing out 3 inches from 16-18/19 during
puberty cant be that hard, right?

2/2: Frauding

if your not actively frauding a minimum of 2 inches in your daily life then what the fuck are you doing? inb4 "muh get caught" n***a no, just
put the insoles under the soles of the shoe and say it was just the height of your shoes, there. Insoles baby!

Section 3: Dick (2 sub-sections)

1/2: Dick Size and Length (DickMaxxing)

Dont really think I need to explain the importance of this, very crucial, imagine your about to fuck your wife then she sees your rocking a
4 inches, brutal. Me personally, last time I measured was like 1-1.5 years ago?? and I remember it being just under 6 inches. My goal
is to gain ONE INCH OF PURE LENGTH! sounds pretty fucking insane but I think its possible in 2 years with consistency and dedication,
here is the routine I will use to reach the desired 7 inch penis by the time am 18. This will probably be adjusted and changed over time,
but as of now this is what we are rolling with.

(source: r/gettingbigger)

Warm up with heating pad (5 mins)​
Warm up with heating pad (5 mins)​
Warm up with heating pad (5 mins)​
Warm up with heating pad (5 mins)​
Semi erect bends 3x1 min, 1 min rest.​
Semi erect bends 3x1 min, 1 min rest.​
Semi erect bends 3x1 min, 1 min rest.​
Semi erect bends 3x1 min, 1 min rest.​
Diamond jelqs 3x1 min, 30 sec rest.​
OFFDiamond jelqs 3x1 min, 30 sec rest.OFFDiamond jelqs 3x1 min, 30 sec rest.Diamond jelqs 3x1 min, 30 sec rest.OFF
Static stretches
20x30 sec, 10 sec rest.​
OFFStatic stretches
20x30 sec, 10 sec rest.
OFFStatic stretches
20x30 sec, 10 sec rest.
Static stretches
20x30 sec, 10 sec rest.
Pump for 5 mins on, 5 mins off, 3 times​
Pump for 5 mins on, 5 mins off, 3 times​
Pump for 5 mins on, 5 mins off, 3 times​
Pump for 5 mins on, 5 mins off, 3 times​
300 PC Clamps
5 sec, 5 sec off
OFF300 PC Clamps
5 sec, 5 sec off
OFF300 PC Clamps
5 sec, 5 sec off
300 PC Clamps
5 sec, 5 sec off
DHT Gel Apply​
DHT Gel Apply​
DHT Gel Apply​
DHT Gel Apply​
DHT Gel Apply​
DHT Gel Apply​
DHT Gel Apply​

thsi will be done with the following tools:​

Penis Pump
Cock rings
Heating Pad

Will this work? probably actually, especially over 2 years. Maybe I will look back and see this routine and laugh at how bad it is,
but hey at least am taking action. Sourcing a Penis Pump is pretty easy, everything else is water. Will probably add stuff by the time
I start this.

2/2: Performance and lasting longer in bed (SexMaxxing)
I have already lost my virginity to a cute white high MTB I know with a absolute wagon of an ass + good body. I did pretty good
actually, thought I would last like 3 seconds but ended up lasting like 10-12 minutes? I know 10 was the bare minimum so 10 minutes it is.
But I knew I could do better especially with my loads and my actual physical performance. What will I do about this? not sit and wimp about it, I will take action! Am gonna do the following
L-Arginine (5000mg the day before and during sex)
Lecithin (2000mg the day before and during sex)

These should take care of my "loads" so to speak, but as far as actually lasting longer, my dumbass couldnt even think to read
a thread or 2 about lasting longer on org or any other forum cus I was sooooo busy talking to her on snap smh, low T hoe. whatever
alot of guys on org (not the most reliable source ever but whatever) claim that if you go really slow the first 5 minutes and wait till
your dick is desensitized, then after that you can basically do whatever you want and last as long as you can cus you wont feel anything,
of course my dumbass just got excited and rushed it with that white MTB but whatever, will DEFFINETLY try next time. Also will of course,
look into abusing any compounds for this.

Section 4: Diet & Gymceling (1 sub-section)
1/2: Diet

Consists of 10-12 eggs daily, red meat, fish (Salmon + Talapia), 1.5 Liters of raw milk everyday (Milk Bottle), everything cooked in
butter - everything cooked in cast iron pans/skillets, oranges, bananas, pineapples, kiwis, blueberries, grapes, potatoes, Raw Cheeses,
Iodized Salt (Iodine), Raw honey, and more. Small 300 calorie surpluss on top to gradually gain muscle when am bulking.

2/2: Gymceling

Why gymcel? well recently ive watched a long ass youtube video about how women want to feel inferior to their man, in every aspect.
They want to be dominated, how the fuck are you gonna dominate your women while being skinny? you cant. Obviously height+face>
everything, but david laid and jeff seid wouldnt be full on chads had they not had their physiques, its a pre requisite to an ascension.

Here is my Gymceling routine:

Monday (Shoulder & Hamstrings)TuesdayWednesday (Back & Biceps)ThursdayFriday (Chest & Triceps)SaturdaySunday
Lateral Raises 15x3
Nordics 6x2
Rear Delt Flies 15x3
Hamstring Curls 15x3
Tibalis raise 15x3
Adductor Machine 15x3
OFFNarrow Grip Pull ups 6x2
Bicep Curls 15x3
Bentover Barbell Pulls 15x3
Lat Pulldowns 15x3
OFFIncline Bench Press 15x3
Weighted Dips 15x3
Flat Bench Press 15x3
Overhead Tricep Pulls 15x3
Skull Crushers 15x3
OFFBack Squats 15x3
Calf Raises 15x3
Leg Extensions 15x3
Seated Calf Raises 15x3
Hip Thrusts 15x3

Section 5: Social Life & NT Maxxing (2 sub-sections)
1/2: NT Maxxing
Now in order to be NT, you must LOOK NT. NOBODY will take you serious or invite you to events if you wear this in 2025:

View attachment 71621

Here is Noah Boat after NT maxxing + some softmaxxes:

View attachment 71622

What did he do? he got with the trends. He looks like somebody who gets invited to parties, knows women, has multiple
friends, etc. How will I use this to my advantage? By well, dressing NT obviously. Here is my new and updated wardrobe. Not
gonna make some BS list because I already have a lot of what I need, but just know it will consist of a lot of basics like cargos,
nike socks, blank tees, etc to create aesthetic of somewhat higher class while being simple, no corny old money crap tho, examples:

View attachment 71624View attachment 71625View attachment 71626

A very cheap cologne I abuse and will CONTINUE to abuse
View attachment 71627

Yes a Mercedes Benz fucking body spray, I know. But my dad had this shit in his
car and I tried it once, am telling you this shit is actually insane. So exotic, so refreshing,
so cheap, just perfect.

Mercedes Benz Body Spray

2/2: Socializing & Inhibition
Lets be honest, no teens in 2025 are that social to be honest. Everyone is on their phones, nobody speaks to anybody
else in public spaces, its dull. Well guess what this means? I can use this to my advantage! You can stand out by being social
among older people in your life (teachers, coaches, etc) and by being social with strangers! How? through modern medicine
cus ngl I dont have the balls to walk up to a girl on the street and ask for her snap. Here are some compound stacks for different
occasians, whether it be parties, meetings, presentations, etc.
Pregabalin - 500mg
Baclofen - 40mg daily
Adderall - 10mg (Occasionally)

Whether or not this can be used daily is something am still looking into, but according to my research and the self
anecdotes I've read, this stack will biochemically make you lower anxiety, higher confidence, lower inhabitation, happy/in
a good mood, etc. Use this to your advantage. haven't been able to source these but that part isn't hard so am not too worried.

Section 6: IQ Maxxing & Knowledge (2 sub-sections)
1/2: Cognitive Function & Focus
Once again, every teen in 2025 is retarted and everyone's attention span has been turned to mush, who DOESNT have ADHD in 2025?
what does this mean? well this means we get to use this to our advantages by once again, abusing modern medicine! through certain
compounds and stimulatns, you can gain the ability to get laser focused locked the fuck in on one single task for HOURS. How? well not
by following some cope "Muh put your phone away! set an alarm!" methods, by real hard compounds. Here is a good
Studying/Focus/Cognitive Function stack I most deffinetly will be abusing the fuck out of for the end of this school year and all of the next:
Armodafinil + Modafinil - 200mg + 150mg
Noopept - 20mg
Phenylpiracetam - 100mg

When I tell you this shit will give you Iron Man level focuseness, I mean it. Actual Insane God tier studying stack, no way you dont get
hours worth of shit done with that. This can be used around 3 times a week without frying your brain and cooking your cognitive function.
Here is what AI had to say about this (using venice instead of chatgpt cus venice is less bluepilled and has less filter)

View attachment 71645

As you can see, this this clearly works. Dont abuse it every day, limit it to 3-4 times weekly, thats what I will be doing anyways.

2/2: Studying & Learning

I dont give a fuck about school math or anything, am into topics that I find can actually interest me or entertain me. Obviously
Looks>Anything else but you cant be mtn with NO iq, so here are some books I have either already ready or will read soon, that
you can read aswell.

Tagging the bros:
@AverageMoroccan @97baHater @AJis18 @Cobicado @aguachento @N30N

caged at 2/4