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Discussion My skin = biggest failo, please help me


give me alert dopamine
Jul 4, 2019
Get me a routine together I have enough money

I have eczema prone skin and closed comodones on my forehead

What should I do for perfect prettyboy skin so I can get jb
tbh idek i follow caveman routine so i pretty much don't do anything on my skin (literally) and that alone works on me
stop letting ur daddy jizz on your face for one
second, stop sniffing your mom's yeast infected whore snatch
Get me a routine together I have enough money

I have eczema prone skin and closed comodones on my forehead

What should I do for perfect prettyboy skin so I can get jb
Try tiege Hanley or House 99!
Morning and evening use cleanser then moisturizer.
Exfoliate once a week.
Drink at least 1 liter of water a day
Keep your phone and hands off your face (hands except when washing face)
Try clay face masks
Use Retin A
Stay away from oily foods too
Hope this helps
I used to use this stuff when I used to get eczema on my arms.
E45 Cream - Chiropody Express
According to The Love Vitamin, the “Caveman Regimen” takes the idea of gentle skin care to the next level by advocating for doing essentially nothing at all to your face. It's basically a “no outside interference” idea, going off the theory that your skin knows what to do and will sort itself out.
you basically don't do anything to your skin. don't use cream, products or even soap. at most wash your face with water, and touch your face the least possible. this works for me, most probably because i have a naturally dry skin and it's also very sensitive (in fact, if i apply cream my skin becomes red, itchy and pimples appear). if you have naturally oily skin or hormonal acne this routine might not be for you. but trying doesn't hurt
you basically don't do anything to your skin. don't use cream, products or even soap. at most wash your face with water, and touch your face the least possible. this works for me, most probably because i have a naturally dry skin and it's also very sensitive (in fact, if i apply cream my skin becomes red, itchy and pimples appear). if you have naturally oily skin or hormonal acne this routine might not be for you. but trying doesn't hurt
if you have a good diet and hormone levels you probably wont have to do anything other than wash skin
if you have a good diet and hormone levels you probably wont have to do anything other than wash skin
yeah that's pretty much what It is tbh. no need to storm your skin with creams and products unless you have conditions that prevent you from having a clear skin