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My turn for an introduction.


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Jul 30, 2023
Saw @tami_26's introduction and also realised I haven't done one either
Originally found this forum at my lowest and just wanted a rating, I regret my username because just typed whatever, If there's any mod that can help me change that then please do help. I got a rating then left and came back after like 8 months with a life update and a new rate me thread and started to get more active on here.

I don't really know a lot about PSL and hardmaxxing but I'm going to learn at my pace and also give female input. Here's stuff about me anyways

- I've lived between Ireland and Tanzania, currently living in Ireland
- I'm 16, going to be 17 in 3 days
- I like anime, my favourite is probably Dr Stone
- I like physics, maths and geography
- My favourite movie is City of God
- favourite tv show is Game of Thrones
- I've just recently picked up the guitar
- Currently on a self improvement journey in all aspects of my life
- I also hope to God no one ik IRL finds me on this forum

I like this forum for a lot of reasons. I get insulted here 24/7 so it's made me a lot less sensitive and surprisingly I don't really care about how I look compared to how much I did before I joined this forum. Great people, I originally thought this was like .org but the differences are truly vast.

that's me.
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  • #7
i started it 2 years ago but never finished it, gonna do it this summer πŸ’€

real, if i find them im going dark

gonna be on the 28th, i will prolly forget so happy early birthday (or maybe i wont forget and say it)

:blobdance: :popcat:
29th* (time zones) but THANK YOU.
what season are you on in game of thrones
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  • #9
i was on season 2 but i will prolly restart bc i forgot most of it :thisisfine:
warning.... the ending is so hilariously bad, but it's worth it
i hate bad endings,is it worth watching it even with the bad ending
imo it is. from what ive watched so far i think i liked it (although i dont remember it) and other people who have watched it said it was good
i do hate bad endings tho lol so i will prolly just invent a make up one
imo it is. from what ive watched so far i think i liked it (although i dont remember it) and other people who have watched it said it was good
i do hate bad endings tho lol so i will prolly just invent a make up one
real,i need to finish better call saul, and Darias last season after exams aswell
