Vocaroo | Online voice recorder
Vocaroo is a quick and easy way to share voice messages over the interwebs.

Vocaroo | Online voice recorder
Vocaroo is a quick and easy way to share voice messages over the interwebs.

Fuck why cant my voice be Always like that
i bet you faggots all have a voice like this
skip to 0:04
thats the typical voice tone of a Young-childish insecure and hysteric soyboy who's mad beccause of the bad White cis males
Nothing dries a pussy faster than sounding hysteric and over emotional
it's disgusting to have this typical beta voice, just disgusting
what is even more disgusting is the fact that they even use vocal fry to Sound halfways manly
the Problem is that most guys with "Deep Voices" dont actually have a Deep voice
90% of all guys with a Deep voice have a normal voice which is just more raspy and "growlish"
It's called false bass or Fauxbourdon, mimicking bass by making your voice more raspy while the "Main pitch" remains the same
This guys voice is a prime example of a false bass aka a pseudo Deep voice
His "main voice pitch" is still like Teenager like, between the syllables you can still hear is normal average-high pitched voice
He just covers his normal cuck voice with much vocal fry
Dont listen to These bullshit advices, you CANT make your voice deeper, your main pitch will Always stay the same, you can only make you voice pseudo deeper by using vocal fry, but thats just dumb and stupid because it sounds like shit, every 2nd guy nowadays does that
having a true Deep unfiltered bass voice is incredibly rare, it doesnt even directly correlate with high T, but much more with high HGH
One of the men with the strongest and clearest bass Voices ever is tilo schmitz, a german voice over artist
his voice is pure bass, no vocal fry/false bass
the other 2 men which come into my mind are Barry White and red pepper
all These 3 men are tall, tilo schmitz for example is very tall (way above 190cm)
so i guess the correlation of high GH Levels and a Deep voice is indeed Right
all People with acromegaly have extreme Deep Voices, some of them have so Deep Voices that you cant even properly understand them
ive made a quick search and found this:

How voice gives away your HEIGHT: Tall people have lower tones
Washington University found that a sound known as the sub-glottal resonance, which deepens with height, helps build a mental picture of someone.
it's over for high pitch cuck voice manlets
the voice pill is a very hard pill, theres even a Wikipedia article About "Deep voice Privilege"
But wait

(It just so happens that my wife only sleeps with 6'5 tall black guys with extreme Deep Voices teehee)