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Need help with physique and frame


Active member
May 27, 2024
17 , I am 5”10, I think a mesomorph as I have a quick metabolism, weigh 73 kg, roughly 17% bf I think, BMI is 23, dad is 6”1 , mum is 5”3 , How can I grow taller, and what can I improve with my physique? Approximate measurements, hand middle of palm crease to top of middle finger 8.2 inches, biceps, 13.5 inches, forearms 11.5 inches, shoulder I think 43-44 inches, waist 31-32 depending on the day really, neck 17.3 inches, legs don’t exist so I know I need to work on them. I think I have middle of the range in length for my clavicles as my traps don’t go straight down but they aren’t very wide either. Hand width 3.6 inches. I have a 4 pack which is asymmetrical, my lat insertions are high meaning I have more of a v taper look, I do have reasonably large external obliques and when I was lean enough to see my internal obliques they were quite good. A reasonably long bicep head and triceps are probably my best muscle in terms of genetics, deltoids are not looking to good either, and my wrist is very small for my hand size it is only 6 or so inches so please someone help me grow my wrist larger, my hands are way out of proportion to my wrists.


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Don't worry about anything your yapping about

Focus on a reasonable training program. Add lots of laterial raises. Don't focus on your insertions or any of that none sense right now. Your goal is to add as much size as you reasonably can in your upper body to help give the impression of asthetics and help your ratios. MIKE MINTIZER SHOULD BE your god if you havented researched him. Do it now. HIT training is all your gonna need as a natural.

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  • #3
Don't worry about anything your yapping about

Focus on a reasonable training program. Add lots of laterial raises. Don't focus on your insertions or any of that none sense right now. Your goal is to add as much size as you reasonably can in your upper body to help give the impression of asthetics and help your ratios. MIKE MINTIZER SHOULD BE your god if you havented researched him. Do it now. HIT training is all your gonna need as a natural.

View attachment 30793View attachment 30794
What is HIT training? Can you recommend a reasonable training program?
Post a normal relaxed body pic, you could have done that instead of writing that long ass body description
from the 2nd one it looks like a brutal case of frameceldom
Don't worry about anything your yapping about

Focus on a reasonable training program. Add lots of laterial raises. Don't focus on your insertions or any of that none sense right now. Your goal is to add as much size as you reasonably can in your upper body to help give the impression of asthetics and help your ratios. MIKE MINTIZER SHOULD BE your god if you havented researched him. Do it now. HIT training is all your gonna need as a natural.

View attachment 30793View attachment 30794
You always had a good frame base cunt, also youre showing him your roided body as proof that all you need is natural training jfl.
Brutal emo slayer to gymcel descenscion tbhngl
You always had a good frame base cunt, also youre showing him your roided body as proof that all you need is natural training jfl.
Brutal emo slayer to gymcel descenscion tbhngl
Tbh ngl istg fs fr
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Do I need bigger shoulders? Is that what you mean by frameceldom, dayum is there any way to make my shoulders and back bigger fr
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Look at how small my wrists are for my hands, please someone help 🙏


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clean bulk is bulking healthily, no bad food
in upper body emphasis on arms, shoulders, back for a good frame
What is an app or something that can give me a training routine or should I try make my own. My deltoids look severely underdeveloped is that genetics or because I don’t train them enough?
Don't worry about anything your yapping about

Focus on a reasonable training program. Add lots of laterial raises. Don't focus on your insertions or any of that none sense right now. Your goal is to add as much size as you reasonably can in your upper body to help give the impression of asthetics and help your ratios. MIKE MINTIZER SHOULD BE your god if you havented researched him. Do it now. HIT training is all your gonna need as a natural.

View attachment 30793View attachment 30794
And steroids
boyo use google for terms you dont know and other stuff
No one here realizes google would answer most questions it seems likes
Word, too much unnecessary yap here
Guys I’m 300 pounds 5’6 how do I increase my gonial angle and get canthopladty for my balls
You guys are teaching this dude to be a mental cel and it's Hella stupid

He should just gym. Stop assuming steroids is an automatic way to not know what your talking about. This dude is focusing on the wrong things. He should literally just work out and keep at it. He's talking about tendons. Ratios. His finger or wrist size. It's a sign he's not on the right mindset and will never achieve anything. He needs to gym. Focus on building muscle and do his own research. Get a program. And stick with it. Steroids or Not. He should use pure hard work to get to where he wants to be LIKE I DO.

You always had a good frame base cunt, also youre showing him your roided body as proof that all you need is natural training jfl.
Brutal emo slayer to gymcel descenscion tbhngl
Yeah total decision cunt


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You guys are teaching this dude to be a mental cel and it's Hella stupid

He should just gym. Stop assuming steroids is an automatic way to not know what your talking about. This dude is focusing on the wrong things. He should literally just work out and keep at it. He's talking about tendons. Ratios. His finger or wrist size. It's a sign he's not on the right mindset and will never achieve anything. He needs to gym. Focus on building muscle and do his own research. Get a program. And stick with it. Steroids or Not. He should use pure hard work to get to where he wants to be LIKE I DO.

Do I make my own program for gym, how many times should I be going to the gym a week?
You guys are teaching this dude to be a mental cel and it's Hella stupid

He should just gym. Stop assuming steroids is an automatic way to not know what your talking about. This dude is focusing on the wrong things. He should literally just work out and keep at it. He's talking about tendons. Ratios. His finger or wrist size. It's a sign he's not on the right mindset and will never achieve anything. He needs to gym. Focus on building muscle and do his own research. Get a program. And stick with it. Steroids or Not. He should use pure hard work to get to where he wants to be LIKE I DO.

He’s already mentalcel. Gym would help him though
Yes to complex for beginners. Just get started don’t worry
Exactly. Beginners shouldn't even care about this stuff. If I didnt myself I would be 10x futher ahead because instead of mentally masturbting about what I could do I would have just worked and got progress because I did work......the longer you take thinking about something the less time you have to do the the thing.

Bodybuilding is confusing due to greed. People withhold info. Gaslight. Confuse. It's how they can extract money.

If Bodybuilding was simple and common knowledge like water. No money could be made and funny enough. Bodybuilding is simple lol. Thanks Mike mintzer

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