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Never dirty bulk


Quick Mango CEO
Established Member
May 7, 2024
It will ruin all of your appeal. This one girl on TikTok convinced this guy to do a dirty bulk for reverence and now is making fun of his looks
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  • #11
Currently for me personally I am just taking allergy pills, ginger and Vitamin C via oranges and blueberries
It will ruin all of your appeal. This one girl on TikTok convinced this guy to do a dirty bulk for reverence and now is making fun of his looks
I did dirty bulk but i got fat and stopped excercise and ate the same amount of calories and kept increasing them then i got fat
I cut and bulk based on feeling

Your BMR is too independent of genetics, daily activity, type of macro split, drugs, environment temperature, endocrinology etc. are just some of the things that affect your BMR.

Ghrelin signalling is imporant for HGH stimulation from the pituary gland too
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It doesn’t make girls anymore attracted to you
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  • #19
It doesn’t make girls anymore attracted to you
Also intimidation is mostly frame+height so going to the gym won’t help that much more
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  • #20
Also intimidation is mostly frame+height so going to the gym won’t help that much more
If you want to get stronger for yourself and do calisthenics that’s fine but you don’t need to bulk or do anything like that
That’s using test and exercise to widen frame not necessarily muscles
U look wider with muscle thus more intimidating u have no gymcelling knowledge and i have ton i know whats true and whats not better than u
Calisthenics is only worse if you are enhanced
Basically before I gym. I was just viewed as a pretty face. IRL. I got women. I got called a model many times. However I was also called small. Skinny. After getting jacked I'm often referred to as superman by some. Been called "that one strong dude" by a few dudes. Been called on to lift heavy things by family and help my dad. They look at me and instantly see me as useful for strength related tasks. I can no longer skirt by with just face and am automatically assumed more responsibilities by society. It's a double edge sword. Bigger you are. Less lazy you can be and equally as such less shit you can get away with. Before gym if I got pulled over it as always given a chance and no ticket. I got away with no license around 7 times just due to this and in all accounts should have been arrested. Never did. But I can't do the same now....I look like a man.

Win some lose some.
Basically before I gym. I was just viewed as a pretty face. IRL. I got women. I got called a model many times. However I was also called small. Skinny. After getting jacked I'm often referred to as superman by some. Been called "that one strong dude" by a few dudes. Been called on to lift heavy things by family and help my dad. They look at me and instantly see me as useful for strength related tasks. I can no longer skirt by with just face and am automatically assumed more responsibilities by society. It's a double edge sword. Bigger you are. Less lazy you can be and equally as such less shit you can get away with. Before gym if I got pulled over it as always given a chance and no ticket. I got away with no license around 7 times just due to this and in all accounts should have been arrested. Never did. But I can't do the same now....I look like a man.

Win some lose some.
antimale bias. one more reason more people should be taking estrogen
