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Method NEW ZYGO PULLING, how to move the zygos?


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2024

Put your finger inside your month between your teeth and skin, next to your deepest higher teeth. Put it higher and deeper till it angle differently where you can fell that small cheek bone show in the image that is half blue and connects with somewhere close to the ears. You can touch and push outwards or fowards this place where the zygos is close to the mandible.

The theory behind this face pulling idea is the same as the thumbpulling, but i thought about doing that after thinking in new ways to face pull.
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  • #7
i tried it, i dont think my finger will reach there, sounds impossible
Mine does, it should works on you too. Put your thumb in there and push the further you can till you can really grab with your thumb your zygo arch.
anyone else that can do this? Maybe my zygo arch is different and it cant be done
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  • #15
zygo pulling is cope
No dude, the shit connecting eat bone in the head is not fused till a certain age, hence why maxillary expansion can work without the need to cut the bones. Apply this same logic to zygos. It's that simple.
No dude, the shit connecting eat bone in the head is not fused till a certain age, hence why maxillary expansion can work without the need to cut the bones. Apply this same logic to zygos. It's that simple.
yeah, you can use an orthodontic device
but these devices are in your mouth for months to years at a time, 24/7
pulling on your zygo a few minutes a day will not give same results
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  • #17
yeah, you can use an orthodontic device
but these devices are in your mouth for months to years at a time, 24/7
pulling on your zygo a few minutes a day will not give same results
People develop asymmetrical faces and their teeths get fucked by stuff they do for minutes or hours over those years, this should be enough evidence for you
try supraorbital pulling next and post video tutorial

do it like this by using trucks to pull but for supraorbitals
1-Figure1-1 (1).png

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