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Leader of the foid epidemic
Section Moderator
Apr 23, 2024
the earth's core
Im a woman (from birth) and I have always been ugly. Men rejected me, girls bullied me teachers graded me worst.So I'm the only female here? And can I still improve here?
Get off the website, its for your own good. People are gonna talk a lot of shit to you here about your appearance and theyre gonna manipulate you into being obsessed with LooksMaxxing. Youre going to constantly search for other people's approval and will enter a deep, dark hole of low self-esteem and deppression. If you want to get good looks so you can get in a relationship or something, just be yourself. The only person that truly loves you will like you for your personality, not for your looks. If you want to know more about this website go search for any LooksMaxxing documentary in YouTube. If you want to stay here, you can. But you were told the truth.
Get off the website, its for your own good. People are gonna talk a lot of shit to you here about your appearance and theyre gonna manipulate you into being obsessed with LooksMaxxing. Youre going to constantly search for other people's approval and will enter a deep, dark hole of low self-esteem and deppression. If you want to get good looks so you can get in a relationship or something, just be yourself. The only person that truly loves you will like you for your personality, not for your looks. If you want to know more about this website go search for any LooksMaxxing documentary in YouTube. If you want to stay here, you can. But you were told the truth.
look here he looksminned himself because he got too much attention.

Originally James Sapphire was the typical zoomer tiktoker with a perm. (He is a natural curlyhead though) He normally made dance videos but this all started to change. Supposedly around late 2020 a girl calls him a "prettyboy" and he searched the term up. He came across Looksmax.Me at the time and started feeling self conscious.

Around mid 2021 James Sapphire started posting tiktoks that started gaining traction claiming he was extremely handsome, attractive & looked like certain Kpop Idols (Celebrities). He would regularly record videos thrist trapping & recording himself at school. This sparked negative attention and he eventually dropped out of school late 2021 due to bullying. From this point on he started to look far more uncanny in terms of appearance in an attempt to look like Richard Ramirez. Although the claim is surgery it is said by those closer to him that he took meth to gain his uncanny appearance.

He is also known to "fraud" and bite his cheeks to give the illusion of hollow cheeks.
Get off the website, its for your own good. People are gonna talk a lot of shit to you here about your appearance and theyre gonna manipulate you into being obsessed with LooksMaxxing. Youre going to constantly search for other people's approval and will enter a deep, dark hole of low self-esteem and deppression. If you want to get good looks so you can get in a relationship or something, just be yourself. The only person that truly loves you will like you for your personality, not for your looks. If you want to know more about this website go search for any LooksMaxxing documentary in YouTube. If you want to stay here, you can. But you were told the truth.
Keep hoping there's what's to healthily looksmax and live a normal good life. You act like that state of insecurity lasts forever when really it's generally a temporary state for new users who haven't found a balance. The key here is to take cope and make it HOPE. We are a supportive community
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most females should be able to get any guy dont matter if ur below average
hmmm,im not sure about that tbh,in the modern world everyone wants to date up (I have seen more attractive woman with less attractive men then vise versa) however woman have more of a means to change/improve appearances (e.g makeup,more clothing options,plastic surgery being more normalised for woman than men etc).
Im a woman (from birth) and I have always been ugly. Men rejected me, girls bullied me teachers graded me worst.So I'm the only female here? And can I still improve here?
theres always space to improve, don't worry
hmmm,im not sure about that tbh,in the modern world everyone wants to date up (I have seen more attractive woman with less attractive men then vise versa) however woman have more of a means to change/improve appearances (e.g makeup,more clothing options,plastic surgery being more normalised for woman than men etc).
thats because average men arent very attractive lol

average woman (a 8 or 9)
average man (a 5 or a 6)
facial composite average
hmmm,im not sure about that tbh,in the modern world everyone wants to date up (I have seen more attractive woman with less attractive men then vise versa) however woman have more of a means to change/improve appearances (e.g makeup,more clothing options,plastic surgery being more normalised for woman than men etc).
your a women calm down u could pull
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  • #18
your a women calm down u could pull
im a black woman ( so its harder) who is currently getting tested for autism I think it would be hard for me to pull then the average man.Also I was calm?
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ik, some here are stupid tho, but barely any females in general, so there isnt much to worry about
is it bad for me to be on the site ??
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  • #24
people will be brutal here, so if you cannot not handle that, it is not suggested to be here
oh okay i can handle that,people already been brutal to me about my looks without being remotely constructive irl
Im a woman (from birth) and I have always been ugly. Men rejected me, girls bullied me teachers graded me worst.So I'm the only female here? And can I still improve here?
You’re gonna fight an uphill battle against most of the guys in this forum fyi

I think obviously despite you being a girl you’re still not doing very well with guys when it comes to attraction and relationships

If you could show us a pic of you I’ll try and give you my best advice
its not tiktok, just observations
Where are you observing this bro. women get men but subhuman men easily whose gonna date a subhuman man who just wants s3x. like subhuman women would fawn over any decent looking guy but the guy wouldnt date them because they have higher standards of physical appearance
Where are you observing this bro. women get men but subhuman men easily whose gonna date a subhuman man who just wants s3x. like subhuman women would fawn over any decent looking guy but the guy wouldnt date them because they have higher standards of physical appearance
cope, women could get lots of men but they only want certain ones. tinder is a good example of this
cope, women could get lots of men but they only want certain ones. tinder is a good example of this
Thats the exact same with men so many sub human fat girls want a bf but men dont want them they want the better looking ones if u disagree ur just tryna be hard done by. the amount of ltb and subhuman girls in my school is crazy and if i was to speak to one of them for a month they would want me even if it was normal convo they just want attention

Thats the exact same with men so many sub human fat girls want a bf but men dont want them they want the better looking ones if u disagree ur just tryna be hard done by. the amount of ltb and subhuman girls in my school is crazy and if i was to speak to one of them for a month they would want me even if it was normal convo they just want attention
its usually outside of high school that instances like i mentioned occur
but you have a valid point for inside high school as i relate to that