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No one realizes how much of a failo being high inhib, low t, and non nt is for black men holy shit

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  • #8
I honestly feel bad for you guys.
It is brutally over if you're not a high T, low inhib, NT, your entire SMV is about this and BBC
Don’t forget about being extremely skinny as a black guy, even if you tried acting high t and low inhib no one would take you seriously

Don’t forget about being extremely skinny as a black guy, even if you tried acting high t and low inhib no one would take you seriously
I'm a black girl, Ik a good few non nt black guys. None of them have ever been in relationships, but they enjoy their own company which is good.

Don’t forget about being extremely skinny as a black guy, even if you tried acting high t and low inhib no one would take you seriously
Not exactly. You can be skinny. But you need to be tall with a face around a 6 or above hell you could even be short with a 6/10 face as long as you have locs. Your dating pool won’t branch out of black women but you won’t be an incel.
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  • #19
Not exactly. You can be skinny. But you need to be tall with a face around a 6 or above hell you could even be short with a 6/10 face as long as you have locs. Your dating pool won’t branch out of black women but you won’t be an incel.
I mean skinny with no muscle to the point where your knees and elbows are the biggest part of your limbs

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