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[NSFW BLACKPILL][POTENT ROPE FUEL] jew s a plastic bisphenol


Dec 13, 2019
bisphenol (from plastics) is estrogenic, anti-androgenic and anti-thyroid

it also changes your parents' genetics in ways i cannot grasp myself, explaining why the new generations of men seem to be more and more feminine looking and acting than their fathers. it also increases dna methylation in children whose pregnant moms had under 1mg of bisphenol in their diet per day, which if i understood right, fucks up cellular processes such as cell division, cell death, dna repair, whatever, causing cancer and other problems relating to growth in general

max daily dose in US is set at 50 miligrams/kg but doses as low as 5 nanograms/kg have been proven to have an effect

perhaps the reason plastics arent banned yet is because big jew plastics are making billions of dollars yearly
bisphenol (from plastics) is estrogenic, anti-androgenic and anti-thyroid

it also changes your parents' genetics in ways i cannot grasp myself, explaining why the new generations of men seem to be more and more feminine looking and acting than their fathers. it also increases dna methylation in children whose pregnant moms had under 1mg of bisphenol in their diet per day, which if i understood right, fucks up cellular processes such as cell division, cell death, dna repair, whatever, causing cancer and other problems relating to growth in general

max daily dose in US is set at 50 miligrams/kg but doses as low as 5 nanograms/kg have been proven to have an effect

perhaps the reason plastics arent banned yet is because big jew plastics are making billions of dollars yearly
Apparently Cadmium has been shown to be androgenic and increase prostate weight in vasectomized cuck rats and the higher the dose the more androgenic the response, but it still apparently also has an estrogenic effect

Cadmium OD for dickmaxxing legit?

also @Test i saw aluminium chlorohydrate mentioned there so far into reading it tbh.
And there are faggots who say: "environment is cope, it's all genes " when they don't realise that genes are influenced by the environment
We are swimming in estrogen right now JFL
who even knows what our potentials are if we were to be able to stay away from all hormonal buttfuckers in the environment

300ng/dl of T is considered normal nowadays, while back in the day it was probably over 2000...