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Info Occipital Reduction


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2019
The occipital bone prominence can be reduced, the amount of reduction possible is determined by the thickness of the outer cortical bone which can be determined by measurements on a plain lateral skull x-ray or using axial 2D CT images.
Fig. 2: Axial CT demonstrates the well defined, high attenuating inner and outer tables of the skull (black and white arrow). The diploic space has slightly lower attenuation and is seen between both tables (*).

The bone can only be reduced until the diploic space is encountered, this allows the inner cortical layer to be maintained and this does not weaken the skull bone to any degree.

A tracing of the occipital profile can be done on the x-rays to show what the realistic outcome would be from the procedure in the profile view.

Occipital reduction is done through a horizontal scalp incision usually located directly over the most projecting area or lower down at the nuchal ridges at the bottom of the hairline.


Honestly I don't think girls really notice or care about this kind of stuff

Unless you've corrected all your failos (at which point you wouldn't need to do this surgery anyway), you shouldn't really have this surgery at the forefront of your mind
Honestly I don't think girls really notice or care about this kind of stuff

Unless you've corrected all your failos (at which point you wouldn't need to do this surgery anyway), you shouldn't really have this surgery at the forefront of your mind
Just grow your hair out, it'd hide it.
The occipital bone prominence can be reduced, the amount of reduction possible is determined by the thickness of the outer cortical bone which can be determined by measurements on a plain lateral skull x-ray or using axial 2D CT images.
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The bone can only be reduced until the diploic space is encountered, this allows the inner cortical layer to be maintained and this does not weaken the skull bone to any degree.

A tracing of the occipital profile can be done on the x-rays to show what the realistic outcome would be from the procedure in the profile view.

Occipital reduction is done through a horizontal scalp incision usually located directly over the most projecting area or lower down at the nuchal ridges at the bottom of the hairline.

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I don't have this issue(if it's an issue), but thanks for posting, someone might find it useful. (y)
Is there any risk for the skull to split more easily if you fall on the back of your head?
If this surgery doesn't make the skull much more fragile, its lifefuel for me since I'm hypsicranic. Imo an hypsicranic skull (high set occiput) is worse than a prominent occiput.
Is there any risk for the skull to split more easily if you fall on the back of your head?
According to that article from Eppley (where I got the information for this thread) it does not weaken the skull to any degree.
It looks easy to perform tbh.

'big occiputal' is literally just pencil neck
just train neck