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Ok, i just measured my BPEL.....

Buddy Boyo

LGBTQP+ supporter
Jul 24, 2019
Neoples Buttcunt
it's 7.5 Inches, if im very aroused close to 8 Inch, NPEL is 13-15cm (i have a huge fatpad)

Ok now everyone will say "Wow thats a big size" But honestly i NEVER saw a guy who had a shorter dick than mine, most naked guys ive saw already had a well bigger flaccid dick than mine and i saw hundreds of naked guys in the locker room in my regular or Boxing gym, or during Swimming etc.

My penis Looks small to Maybe average, it Looks somewhat Longish if i push all my fatpad back like my life depends on it, but probably only because im a absolute girthcel

IM VERY SURE that the true average penis length is way bigger than we think, there are way more 8-10 Inch guys than "urological science and Research" wants to tell us

"average" penis size studies are inaccurate anyways, some say it's just barely 5 Inches, some say it's above 6 Inches bla bla bla

FUCK THAT BULLSHIT, seriously, my BPEL penis just Looks ok sized for proper Penetration, having a penis Sub 7 Inches is cuck Tier size, thats Maybe "normal" among the 80% of betabux cucks and desperate men who are Browsing through omegle to jerk off

How the fuck do you even want to penetrate a somewhat build Girl from behind if you have 5 Inch BPEL?

Who the fuck actually believes in general that a grown male homo sapiens is meant to have a penis with a length of 5 Inches?????

(Btw in a old german PE Forum someone once posted a german urological article from the early 20s, the average size back then was 18cm)

Thats bullshit! And even if the "average" size is somewhere between 5 to 6 Inches, it's NOT the penis size of your sexual competition anyways, chads have on average at least 7 Inches and a very thick girth too, every guy who posted nudes pics of himself in all the Groups ive been had at least a penis which was well above the average size

a average length penis MIGHT be ok if you have a very thick girth, girth is btw actually more important than length, although from my experience short and thick dicks are often belittled, most Girls love Deep Penetration, you Need both.
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I'm glad my BPEL is just 7.1" and probably more when I'm aroused highly.
Regardless, you still mog me.
8" by 6 1/2" is what I'm aiming for.

You are right, women need both girth and length.
Everything matters.
i cant fucking believe buddy boyo got top contributor badge

instead of soon to be top poster mr kelly
Bone pressed erect length
Yes, that's what I thought

it's 7.5 Inches, if im very aroused close to 8 Inch, NPEL is 13-15cm (i have a huge fatpad)

Ok now everyone will say "Wow thats a big size" But honestly i NEVER saw a guy who had a shorter dick than mine, most naked guys ive saw already had a well bigger flaccid dick than mine and i saw hundreds of naked guys in the locker room in my regular or Boxing gym, or during Swimming etc.

My penis Looks small to Maybe average, it Looks somewhat Longish if i push all my fatpad back like my life depends on it, but probably only because im a absolute girthcel

IM VERY SURE that the true average penis length is way bigger than we think, there are way more 8-10 Inch guys than "urological science and Research" wants to tell us

"average" penis size studies are inaccurate anyways, some say it's just barely 5 Inches, some say it's above 6 Inches bla bla bla

FUCK THAT BULLSHIT, seriously, my BPEL penis just Looks ok sized for proper Penetration, having a penis Sub 7 Inches is cuck Tier size, thats Maybe "normal" among the 80% of betabux cucks and desperate men who are Browsing through omegle to jerk off

How the fuck do you even want to penetrate a somewhat build Girl from behind if you have 5 Inch BPEL?

Who the fuck actually believes in general that a grown male homo sapiens is meant to have a penis with a length of 5 Inches?????

(Btw in a old german PE Forum someone once posted a german urological article from the early 20s, the average size back then was 18cm)

Thats bullshit! And even if the "average" size is somewhere between 5 to 6 Inches, it's NOT the penis size of your sexual competition anyways, chads have on average at least 7 Inches and a very thick girth too, every guy who posted nudes pics of himself in all the Groups ive been had at least a penis which was well above the average size

a average length penis MIGHT be ok if you have a very thick girth, girth is btw actually more important than length, although from my experience short and thick dicks are often belittled, most Girls love Deep Penetration, you Need both.
Mine is 7,5 too but it don't look that big to me, I have never seen others dick irl so idk. maybe it's because of the lack of girth or porn but it still don't look that long to me
The fuck are you guys talking about lol.
Mine is 6.88 but it looks huge.