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Opinions on Chisell product?


If you don't mew than you're not apart of the crew
Jul 5, 2019
I’ve seen a lot of Instagram posts and YouTube videos about this product called chisell it looks pretty legit has anyone on this website tried it yet?222
jfl at wasting precious shekels on that

Just use normal mastic gum. 1 pack of mastic gum lasts forever anyway since you can just refrigerate the gum for a few hours and chew it again. If you already bought it, I don't see a reason not to use it though.
jfl at wasting precious shekels on that

Just use normal mastic gum. 1 pack of mastic gum lasts forever anyway since you can just refrigerate the gum for a few hours and chew it again. If you already bought it, I don't see a reason not to use it though.
I have tried falim gum but I didn’t notice any changes I honestly don’t think gum works at all unless you chew a shit load
I have tried falim gum but I didn’t notice any changes I honestly don’t think gum works at all unless you chew a shit load

I've heard that mastic is different from falim.
Wincel said:
Its harder so you don't need to chew as much of it and it takes less time.

Depends how long you've been chewing as well tbh
I've heard that mastic is different from falim.

Depends how long you've been chewing as well tbh
It’s just hard to make sure you chew evenly on both sides
They are working on a 2.0 Version that will last loger. Be harder and be more optimal for chewing. Will be sent free samples when they do . I won’t review 1.0 as it’s shit atm and breaks easy
But do they work? I imagine they would give the masseturs a good workout
I chewed mine and got more of a work out than any gum. But since my jaw was strong from gum and teeth are sharp. I bit through mine in the first week. They last a long time though if your a newbie
Did you try the tough bite light bite or regular bite?